Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, February 19, 2010

Health Reform D-Day Approaches

I can't think of a more delicate way to put this...screw the Republicans.

They refused to negotiate in good faith when given the opportunity. It is time for the Democrats to, at least in this case, act like Republicans and work as a united front to make this happen. You only need 51 votes, you have 59. Use them for the people and tell the lobbyist to go home and shut up. They are not voters and don't represent the American People. They only represent greed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

The most common sense solution is a single payer universal health care system. We have one already in the VA. Our soldiers love it so why is it not good enough for the rest of us? It is because it would strangle profits of big insurance companies who put cash into the pockets of our politician's campaigns each year. Congress has been paid to look the other way while American's die.

It has been so for decades...you can't blame Obama for members of Congress who are on the take. It is up to us to communicate our displeasure and follow through by voting them out of office if they continue their greedy habits of selling us out for cash.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

Republicans ( and sadly some Democrats ) are consistent in their message. The problem is we are not reading between the lines to determine what that message really is.

In case you missed it the message is: "We work for Corporations and only need the voter once every four years"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

I have urged my Senator, Bill Nelson of Florida to get on board with this option. I emailed his staffer and sent a fax to his DC and Orlando offices just minutes ago.

I have also sent emails to the DNC to let them know in no uncertain terms, that if they fail to bring reform with a majority in Congress and the White House...we don't need them any longer.

It is shameful that even with a majority of votes ( recently a super majority ) they still can't get anything important done. I admire the Republicans for one thing...their willingness to work together as a unit even if it is against our best interests. If the Dems could learn anything it is that they can do what they want...if they chose to work FOR the people instead of for special interests.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Republicans Attack Military Leadership to Defend Ban On Gays

It has been most apparent to me that Republicans would love to establish a "cast" system here in America. Top Tier would be populated by their most wealthy supporters and would, of course, include all Republican Politicians.

Second tier, radical right wing fundamentalist Christians.

Somewhere below, the "forever" middle class and below even the "untouchable" poor and minorities, they want to suppress Gays and former prisoners in a cast with few rights and even less opportunity than the rest of America.

Sadly too many from the higher casts go along with them thinking it is okay as long as they are not being targeted...YET ! They don't like the idea of equal because they see themselves as better than you and me.

Why people continue to vote against their own best interests is something I cannot understand.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost