Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, February 25, 2011

Newark Police Layoffs Threaten Crime-Fighting As Budget Cuts Spark Fears

Not fact: This is the way people on the right twist informatio­n.

A few cops abuse someone therefore ALL cops are abusers. ( not a fact )

As a former cop who never abused anyone I take personal offense and so should tens of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to protect citizens like you and your family. Next time you are robbed call you Senator instead of cop.

You sir, owe police everywhere a public apology.

We are waiting...­.
About Financial Crisis
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Newark Police Layoffs Threaten Crime-Fighting As Budget Cuts Spark Fears

Why should Americans have to "settle" for less at the same time corporatio­ns are making more profits than all history and the top 2% are hoarding ever increasing percentage of our collective wealth as a nation?

The American Dream is about advancing, not standing still, certainly not going backwards in order to assure more money is available for the super rich. There is only so much money here and as more is moved up there is less and less for the rest of us to attain to.

Virtually every attack on the middle class is designed to limit the future of 98% of our citizens to the exclusive benefit of only 2%. To me that is not democracy that is a plutocracy­. We are almost there now.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquilit­y, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constituti­on for the United States of America."

This is "We the People" not "We the Corporatio­ns". There is an "us" v "them" The "us" is the average American citizen. The "them" are a very tiny minority of citizens determined that the nation belongs to them alone and that the rest of us are here to serve their needs.

About Financial Crisis
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Newark Police Layoffs Threaten Crime-Fighting As Budget Cuts Spark Fears

Mean time at the top.

Corporate incomes are highest on record. The rich are richer than ever. Those on Wall Street who almost single handed, drove us into recession are rewarded with a huge bonus.

Taxpayers picked up the tab in lost jobs, lost homes, lost pensions and now an all out assault on the middle class led by big industry and the Tea Party.

If this is not reversed the American dream turns into the America wasteland who's only purpose is to fund a military to protect the wealthy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers

Fits the GOP plan to a "T".

Uneducated people are easier to manipulate­. Why do you think that the redder the state the less educated it's citizens. Why do you thing the right loves to attack teachers and education. Why do they want to eliminate grants for college, knowing then only the rich can afford higher education.

An attack on the middle class must include underminin­g their education and chances for advancemen­t.

Now list the well educated states and see how much bluer they are.

I can't understand how citizens in Wisconsin allowed a GOP takeover given their apparent education level. Guess it offers proof of how money can be used to brainwash voters.
About Wisconsin Protests
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers

There is a misconcept­ion about the pension plan in Wisconsin. It has been held up as an example of one of the best managed and most responsibl­e plans in the nation. It was never loaded with toxic assets and remains in good financial condition. The talk from the right ignores this because facts do not support their goals...mu­ch like the right wing talk about Social Security and deficit even though the fact is that SS does not contribute a dime to the deficit.

Facts are ignored when they don't fit the agenda !

Deficit in Wisconsin? Walker, much like Bush, inherited a budget surplus of around $200 million which he promptly spent handing tax breaks to corporatio­ns ( Koch Industries ) to the tune of about $117 million. Walker and the republican­s created the very deficit they now want to pay for on the backs of their own workers. Yet one more way to move more wealth up stream from the middle class to the wealthy...­using government to play reverse Robin Hood.
About Wisconsin Protests
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Walker Throws Gasoline on the Fire

This sounds like a threat to me. He is holding state workers hostage and giving them the choice of losing their rights or their jobs.

Sure sounds "American" to me. ( not )

I think this governor believes that he was elected to be a dictator not responsibl­e to the wants of his own citizens. I would think that between the polls and the protests he should know by now that his is not listening to the people he is supposed to listen to. And he is NOT elected to listen to Koch industries !!

One good thing he has done...he will awaken a lot of people to the TRUE cause of the Industry backed tea party movement..­.destroy the middle class.

While this article is based on a study of US Senators I believe it applies at the state level..cer­tainly to Governor Walker. The study concludes that politician­s pay no attention to any but rich constituen­ts, totally ignoring the voice of middle and lower income citizens.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost