Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homeless and Empty Homes -- an American Travesty

Part of the problem not addressed is the banks who foreclose on houses then evict paying tenants, sometimes making them homeless as well. I recently received a violation notice on a property that was taken back by the bank. Seems the city still thought I owned it. The place is a mess, trash, weeds as tall as the fence etc. The tenants who lived there were evicted by the bank rather than the bank collecting rent. These people were good tenants, had jobs paid their rent and kept the property in excellent condition. Now the bank is sitting on a vandal target that is deteriorating without an occupant.

Since these properties become a blight and enforcement problem for cities because banks won't respond to code violations etc. Cities need to respond by placing liens on these properties and require the banks to either rent them or to allow the cities to use them to provide shelter for homeless families until the properties are sold. If a homeless families fortunes reverse they should get first dibs on becoming permanent tenants.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Boehner, Pence: Raising Social Security Retirement Age An Option

Boehner lies...as usual.

Social Security is on good footing and can sustain through the tough economy and still pay full benefits until at least 2037. Politicians cannot raid OUR surplus which is part of what ticks Republicans off. Boehner and his ilk would prefer to find a way to hand the current $2.3Trillion dollars over to one of their private insurance buddies where it no longer has any government protections. Remember how these banks and insurance companies wiped out billions in private retirement accounts prior to 2009 and caused our recession? Do you really think it would be a good idea to put our only safe nest egg into their basket?

SS does not contribute to our deficit because it is self-funded through it's own separate tax paid into from workers and employers.

It is not an "entitlement", a word republicans love to throw out there as a bad thing. It is an insurance policy citizens pay premiums into then collect when they retire.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Muslim Myth on the Rise

This is a right wing smoke screen they use to hide what they are really up to...the conversion of our nation into a corporate entity that is no longer responsible to the citizens, but to a select few at the top who already hold 98% of our total wealth. These people long ago bought and paid for the GOP and have them doing their dirty work. They are experts at using hate, fear, bigotry and hysteria to turn one American against another for political gain.

What is the sickest part of their plot to create a "corporatist" America is that they have been so successful in manipulating religion and so-called Christians to join in with this bigotry and hate. I guess those are the "Christians" who decided to change the spelling of their deity from GOD to GOP.

But why are the more main stream Christian organizations remaining so quit while all of this takes place?
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost