Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Visit the main site...where it all started.

Politicians are not your friends.

Your elected officials have forgotten their oath of office. They have sold out to the highest bidder ( Big Business ) and patronize the voter only to the extent necessary to win their seat of power.

"We the People" have a tool we can use to recover America for the average American. It is our vote. You can vote for who they tell you to vote for, and perpetuate the status quo or you can educate yourself and vote in a way that can make a change.

To start with, don't re-elect anyone currently in office. They ARE the cause of the problems and putting them back will assure the same results as in the past.

Read more and learn by going to Re Elect No One today.

Become involved in your future.