Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, September 12, 2008

Seven Years Later, a Service Mandate

I think you have inhaled some republican fog and it has addled your mind. I don't know any fellow Dem's who bash military service as being dishonorable. Even Obama himself on last nights interview stated without hesitation that he thought it was a mistake for his own university, Columbia, to have banned ROTC from the campus. He made it clear that the military offered fine options for service and that by not allowing military to visit the campus, the universities are standing in the way of students being able to understand all of their service options.

As for Palin's "experience" it is just not there. No one can convince me that 18 months as a governor of a state with the smallest population, less by 1/2 than my home town in Ohio, suddenly makes her qualified to step into the shoes of the presidency.

I recently moved here from Miami-Dade. Nearly 4 million people and with a budget larger than most 3rd world nations. They deal with all of South America daily. A mayor of that sort of city is more qualified than a governor of Alaska any day.

I still want more from a VP than a nice figure and a sharp tongue.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost