Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Five Strands of Conservatism: Why the GOP is Unraveling

Republicans need a make over of staggering proportions. Basically if they wish to survive as a party they need to dump certain aspects of their structure starting with religion. While this nation was built by Christians, they, themselves, recognized that freedom must include a restriction on any particular religion having power inside of government. It is fine for people to have their religion, it is very NOT COOL to assume that your brand of religion should in any way, be made into the "official" government version of religion. Keep religion out of politics ! That is like going to bed with the devil.

Republicans have to lose the image and the fact of siding with the wealthy corporate side of America. They are obligated to represent all of their constituents equally, not based on the size of their bank accounts...and they represent PEOPLE not companies. Their present policies have encouraged the loss of American jobs over seas.

In their current condition, they are not relevant to anyone with a sense of common good.
About GOP
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost