Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country

Man you are soooooo right and it makes me so mad on so many levels.

1st is the fact that I pay taxes for an education system that turns out so many stupid people...but that may be part of the plan!

2nd is that these same stupid people can run for office and don't have to pass a test, unlike a city garbage collector.... but then Congress just makes the garbage and they don't have to cart it away.

3rd is, how can you even argue with a stupid person? It is much like arguing with a teenager which, by the way, we should allow to become members of congress while they still know everything...and they already love to argue.

4th is how stupid the media has become. I really don't think all the talking heads are really that stupid, just bought and paid for so they will say anything.

5th is how people can think it OK to pay taxes to protect their property ( fire and police ) but balk at paying a tax to protect their own lives while paying to provide government health care for Congress.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost