Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Franken: Dems Unified Behind 'Historic' Health Reform Legislation

"A mandate... There is an exemption for folks who can prove they can't afford to buy insurance."

Since there is a fine or penalty for NOT buying insurance the burden of proof MUST lie on the government to prove you can't afford to pay, not on the consumer to prove it. This would go along with our constitutional right to due process when the government tries to levy a fine or other penalty. Just another can of worms such as has become typical of Congress these days.

"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law."

This "mandate" will also run afoul of our legal rights in contracts or agreements. What if I were to propose an amendment to a health plan contract and the insurance company refuses? Today I have the right to refuse to sign if we don't reach a mutual agreement. That is the basis of contract law. This "mandate" would seem to cripple citizens rights to negotiate contracts or refuse to sign one that does not meet their desires or needs. Forcing anyone to sign a contract to pay for services when the right to negotiate that contract is prohibited faces some interesting court challenges.

I suspect they just don't care because they have been bought and paid for by big insurance. Want to buy your own politician just for laughs? http://thingsithinkabout.info/buypoliticians.html
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost