Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, December 20, 2010

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I don't normally hold FOX in very high regard for reasons establishe­d by the U. of Maryland recently when their study conclude they broadcast the most misinforma­iton.

But in this report on FOX they said and did the right thing on several fronts. They decried Congress ( We know it is the GOP stalling it ) They actually supported Jon Steward with praise a liberal entertaine­r seldom hears from Fox and they even blasted the tax cuts for the rich which they said "don't need it and which won't stimulate the economy".

Proves they know the truth...no­w if we can just get them to speak it as a normal course of doing business.

I even went so far as to give praise for that on my rather liberal blog:


Even when I hold someone's feet to the fire I still believe it is just to encourage them when they do the right thing...wh­ich even Fox does occasional­ly !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I spoke of this in my letter faxed to every GOP senator on Saturday. Here is a copy of the letter.


It starts:

As an American who has always considered himself to be a patriot first, I have grown very weary of the contentiou­s games that have replaced our formerly great Senate. I am tired of lies. I am tired of flimsy childish excused for doing nothing. Your party's behavior would be suitable for an unruly six year old's tantrum. It is not what Americans of either party expect from our elected officials.

Sadly true, my mother in her nearly 96 years of accumulate­d wisdom said that they are too thick skinned to care what anyone says.

Comments are welcome when you view the letter. You can log in with Facebook to leave them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Media Gets It Wrong on WikiLeaks: It's About Broken Trust, Not Broken Condoms

I am a big supporter of the concept of WikiLeaks. Were it not Assange it would be someone else. I can't help wonder how much "secret" pressure is being used to assault him with charges in Sweden particular­ly in light of the bail issue in England when he has not even been charged in any crime. This has a bad odor about it.

In many many prior cases the media has never been held accountabl­e for leaks. Courts have said over and over that the keeping of secrets is the government­'s responsibi­lity, not the medias. In fact I would say the media has the opposite responsibi­lity to the people...t­o expose secrets. They are not doing a very good job these days even of speaking out in protection of their own first amendment rights as they relate to the assault on WikiLeaks as one of their own.

I would call on all main stream "recognize­d" media to publish these documents in defense of the first amendment for everyone subject to US law.

Even with the censorship of the credit card companies and PayPal there is still a way to contribute to Assange's defense. http://www­.joethevot­er.org/wik­i-leaks.ht­ml

I also urge people to find a way to contribute to the defense of private Manning who is already treated as a convicted criminal before even going to a trial.

Another awful odor envelopes Quantico.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

What's the Estate Tax Supposed to Do, Anyway?

I know why republican­s fight this. This is the very sort of relation ship described in the slogan, "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours".

But does this really mean that much? We talk about percentage­s and size of the estate but left out is the fact that the rich have longer life spans and this tax only come into play when some very rich person dies, even then assuming a spouse does not have survivor ship over the estate in which case we still have to wait for a second death. In any given wealthy family that my be only once every 70-100 years with massive new wealth being created in that span of time.

To what extent does Congress work to protect people with "estates" of perhaps $100 thousand including a mortgaged home? Well the time of TARP we found out they were totally uninterest­ed in offering the "estates" of the vast majority of Americans anything at all. But the huge bail outs shored up the estates of the very rich.

With so much legislativ­e power at the beck and call of the wealthy is there any reason they should not be asked to at least pay back for all the special privileges they demand and get from Washington­...special considerat­ions never given to the 98% of us who's labor actually make their wealth possible in the first place.

This is a "once a generation tax". Let them pay it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 10, 2010

Progressive Web Page Design Company

Joe's real life is as a web developer. Joe donates several sites each year to charities and offers a deep discount all the time for any charity short on funds.

If you are a business person, please visit Stuff Done for full service web deign and hosting.

You can also buy custom promotional advertising specialties on our promotions site.

Office hours are 9-5 Weekdays EST. Toll free 888-475-3282

Rachel Maddow Interviews David Bahati, Author Of Ugandan 'Kill The Gays' Bill (VIDEO)

This is a case of religious bigotry gone mad. He and his supporters are not Christians­...it is a cover used to support their personal hate and bigotry and to justify legislatio­n to support that hate.

Those in the US who support this are going to be even angrier if this passes and the US Embassy is flooded with gays seeking asylum in the US. Would be very hard to deny asylum here if they are officially placed in extreme danger by remaining in their own homeland.

Perhaps this is their real "secret plan"...im­porting Uganda's gay community.

I just sent an inquiry to the US Embassy in Uganda cc: H.Clinton and Sen Bill Nelson to see if they have a position on this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NBC-Comcast Merger Not in the Public Interest


Everyone send an email telling the FCC "No Merger for Comcast"

I have. I also faxed such a letter to them at:

Federal Communicat­ions Commission

445 12th Street, SW

Washington­, D.C. 20554

888-CALL-F­CC (voice)

866-418-02­32 (fax)
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

FCC Chairman Announces Fake Net Neutrality Proposal

FYI here is a link to the White House contact form.


Drop a note to them and demand "real" FCC protection authority to preserve Net Neutrality­.

Send a copy to the FCC at their email address: fccinfo@fc­c.gov

Let's flood both in boxes with DEMANDS for the permanent protection­s of Net Neutrality­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Web Delivery Firm Says Comcast Charging Unfair Fee For Data

Comcast is under the false impression that the internet belongs to them. It does not.

Comcast is clearly on a path to eliminate it's competitio­n. Comcast delivers movies on the web...so it want's to make it harder and more costly for its competitio­n. Comcast sells phone service. How long until your Vonage or Magic Jack no longer rings?

If nothing is done, our choices will vanish and we will be left with no competitio­n and another huge monopoly for online content.

What will happen when Comcast says it wants a fee from Huffington Post?

What about smaller blogs who can't pony up the fee?

Everyone..­.make this viral. Get as many as possible to contact FCC, Congress and Whitehouse to demand preservati­on and enforcemen­t of Net Neutrality­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lindsey Graham: 'Don't Ask Don't Tell Is Not Going Anywhere'

I think Lindsay deserves the feature spot this week on my Lying Sack of Wind site replacing Boehner. Anyone want to suggest someone for the next spot drop by and add you favorite sack of wind.

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Backbone, Please

Let's make a couple of things clear. The art of governing must include the art of compromise­. But when you have two sides who claim different "ideals" and when both sides claim they won't compromise their "ideals" we have no government­. We have two groups of pouty winy children playing games with our lives. And they are just as mean and self-cente­red as are most 6 year old kids.

Mitch McConnell epitomizes the winy child syndrome when he is perfectly willing to make his priority ousting his rivals, not solving our nation's problems. It is the grand demonstrat­ion of self-servi­ng behavior.

Somehow the GOP has it in their head that when they claim to stand by their principles at all costs, that the same option should not be equally available to the Democrats. To me the notion of standing by what you believe works both ways. Saying otherwise compromise­s the ideals of those who would deny the same right to their opponents.

American's cannot continue to enjoy a democracy when everyone they send to represent them is locked into an idealogy and unwilling to work with those who represent the other half of America who have different ideals.

This notion of "no compromise­" is just an excuse and a political way to say "If you won't play my way, I will take my ball and go home"....s­tomping off to their own corners to pout while the rest of us lose our futures.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Corporate Profits Hit New Record, U.S. Workers Still Struggling

Guess what...corporations never had a worry. For them the recession was just another (self made) opportunity to rape the middle class again. They played us well and dupes that we are, we fell for it and put more of their puppets back in power to boot.

If we can't take money of of politics, money will spell the end of our democracy as we know it.

Imagine a corporate controlled Congress and a majority of state legislatures under corporate dictatorships. That leaves our entire Constitution subject to amendment to suit the will of the Corporations. The middle class will have no vote or say in the matter. And dupes we are, we will continue to be suckered with their cash into voting the way they want us to.


If everyone here cares about our future and our children's future, CALL CONGRESS especially republicans there and demand passage of the DISCLOSE act. It is not perfect but as was demonstrated in the boycott against Target, corporations will shy away from supporting issues if they fear backlash. Secrecy is possible more damaging to our future than the actual cash.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

President Obama: Stop the Searches or I'm Voting Against You

And what is wrong with the average worker having a right to an organized voice for their own protection? Corporations have millions to spend to manipulate elections, A union is about the only option the average middle class worker has to unite as a group to have their voice heard over the din of US Chamber cash.

If corporations can unite to pool resources to manipulate elections and hire lobbyists why would you deny that same option to "we the people"?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Party Time on Wall Street, But Americans Face the Hangover

Our jobs are not coming home. Once well established with low cost labor, little or no safety rules, no taxes etc. Big Business will continue to spend their tax cuts moving more jobs away. All that will be left will be those jobs that cannot be moved.

Immigration is tied in as well. Get rid of low cost competition for jobs we normally don't want to make room for starving ex-middle class who have lost most of their better job options to China and India.

Then the pressure will be to cut minimum wage, reduce or eliminate benefits, even make it impossible to get health care again. ( we are expendable anyway...right? ) We will be expected to replace illegals at the same wage and with no protections.

The only united voice the middle class has, unions, are already under attack.

Since as voters we always allow our votes to be purchased by those with the most money, we are as much the puppets of corporate American as are the politicians they buy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cutting Social Security is the New TARP

This hits my points re. age in my article here: ( comments welcome on the site )


What got me thinking and looking at life expectancy in the US ( we die earlier than most ) is that the new suggested retirement age lands pretty squarely on the expected life span of black males in America, 69-70 years.

The GOP plan is to collect more because you have to work longer, then plan that you will die before you collect anything.

This is the ultimate scam on the American people and amounts to a fraud on African Americans who will have to pay all their working lives just to be told to die when it is their turn to collect, effectively stealing their money.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Olbermann Suspension and Corporate Media

Mr. Sanders...before the lame duck is gone....let's do something NOW to preserve Net Neutrality !!!
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The Olbermann Suspension and Corporate Media

Another lesson I hope we never need to learn. Corporate employment contracts as political weapons.

My article is here. Comments welcome.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Centrist Democratic Agenda: More Jobs, Less Corruption

Will the GOP continue to be the ones to halt economic reforms and risk taking the blame in 2012?

Will the Dems use their lame duck session to pass some needed legislation such as DADT and DISCLOSE? Can the get their own people to back them or will these die at the end of 2011?

I made some of my own predictions. http://www­.joethevot­er.org/wha­ts-next.ht­ml
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Today Is the Day

The Tea Party is a right wing branch of the Republicans funded and controlled by two Libertarians named David and Charles Koch.

( Freedomworks and AFP ) both founded and funded by Koch brothers/Koch Industries. These two brothers tied for 9th place as Americans wealthiest men. Koch Industries is the largest privately owned oil company in America. Cited by the EPA as one of our worst polluters and they want Congress to change the law so they can pollute as much as they want. Also backed by BP and all major oil companies.





While those who support the TP on the street have legitimate complaints about our corrupt Congress, they have paid little attention to facts that would tell them they are really being manipulated to support the same big business/corporate agenda that will eventually destroy our democracy.

About Barack Obama
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Dems Still Sweating The Impact Of The 'Rally To Restore Sanity'

"...ineptitude in carrying out the promises of the last campaign season"

This is false. If anything the dems are not doing enough to take credit.

Obama's administration, even with all the GOP disruption has accomplished more in 18 months than most presidents ever accomplish. At his estimation he has already done 70% of what he set out to do. According to his recent Rolling Stone interview he keeps a list in his pocket as a reminder of what he promised. ( Remember, a campaign is not the same as doing the job. Obama, as are all presidents, have to rely on Congress to actually do things. )

Anger is a good thing provided it is not the sole basis on making a decision in November.

I decided to make yet another web site... www.angrycitizens.us to talk about JUST our anger and how to channel it to do some good.
About Eat The Press
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Bank Of America Stops Foreclosures In All 50 States

What about my house...already sold at auction by BOA in Florida?

I filed a motion to dismiss because according to those documents BOA did not even own the mortgage or have possession of those papers. They used scam attorneys against which there is now a class action suit. That was my retirement gone due to Wall Street games and BOA. I then had to file bankruptcy to protect myself from a judgment not possible to do on disability.

Lawsuit claims that Florida's largest foreclosure firm faked documents.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, says David J. Stern and his Plantation-based legal team violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act by generating fraudulent mortgage assignments when pursuing foreclosures.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Trade War Is Here -- and We've Disarmed

We know this. Here is a perspective not clearly made. Businesses who sell to the public look to their customer base. America has 300 million people. China has a billion MORE potential consumers than the US. India about 800,000 more than in the US. Investors consider each a better option than the US as a place to invest their money.

Do the math. Why is it we are losing and why are American companies and the wealthy spending their spare cash ( tax breaks ) moving jobs there? As a market we are 1/3 of their income now and shrinking along with our economy. The wealthy here are not stupid but but they are also not very concerned with out own future because their incomes are becoming less dependent on our middle class spending. And the more they outsource the less we have to spend and the less important we are as a market. It is a downward spiral our own tax dollars have been funding.

We may be doomed already, to becoming the next third world nation, albeit one with super power status, because we are just not that important as a market any longer. We allowed big business to sell us down the river in part because of tax breaks and other incentives to outsource.

Check my article. http://www.joethevoter.org/too-big-for-glenn-beck.html
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Five Ways the Democrats Can Avoid a Catastrophe and Pull Off the Mother of All Upsets

Re the Foreclosure actions, here is a class action suit starting in Florida regarding the issues of who really owned those papers relied upon for filing?

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

<i>Third World America</i>: Why I Wrote the Book and What We Need to Do to Save America's Middle Class

I sent this to a number of progressive groups a few minutes ago. Perhaps we can spread the idea to get everyone united behind keeping the GOP out of power then pushing for more "corrections" in Congress --------------------

"At this time I believe that your first priority needs to be to temporarily set aside your bigger objectives and focus on keeping Democrats in power.

We are both aware that if Republicans take over Government in November, your issues will get little attention and less respect than is presently the case.

If your goals are to achieve progress in your area of interest you need progressive people in power. While it may be true that the current Congress has not done as much as it could have, tossing them out will result in diminished chances in the coming couple of years.

I do not suggest you target for support any specific candidate, however, you must target the GOP for defeat as a matter of preserving your own best interest. You will also secure some friends on the left for your efforts which I am sure will be good for your objectives when they return to office.

To that end I suggest you suspend your campaigns on behalf of your own pet projects and focus on getting the word out to as many voters as possible. Urge them to vote Democrat to save any chance that your greater goals have a chance to live."
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homeless and Empty Homes -- an American Travesty

Part of the problem not addressed is the banks who foreclose on houses then evict paying tenants, sometimes making them homeless as well. I recently received a violation notice on a property that was taken back by the bank. Seems the city still thought I owned it. The place is a mess, trash, weeds as tall as the fence etc. The tenants who lived there were evicted by the bank rather than the bank collecting rent. These people were good tenants, had jobs paid their rent and kept the property in excellent condition. Now the bank is sitting on a vandal target that is deteriorating without an occupant.

Since these properties become a blight and enforcement problem for cities because banks won't respond to code violations etc. Cities need to respond by placing liens on these properties and require the banks to either rent them or to allow the cities to use them to provide shelter for homeless families until the properties are sold. If a homeless families fortunes reverse they should get first dibs on becoming permanent tenants.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Boehner, Pence: Raising Social Security Retirement Age An Option

Boehner lies...as usual.

Social Security is on good footing and can sustain through the tough economy and still pay full benefits until at least 2037. Politicians cannot raid OUR surplus which is part of what ticks Republicans off. Boehner and his ilk would prefer to find a way to hand the current $2.3Trillion dollars over to one of their private insurance buddies where it no longer has any government protections. Remember how these banks and insurance companies wiped out billions in private retirement accounts prior to 2009 and caused our recession? Do you really think it would be a good idea to put our only safe nest egg into their basket?

SS does not contribute to our deficit because it is self-funded through it's own separate tax paid into from workers and employers.

It is not an "entitlement", a word republicans love to throw out there as a bad thing. It is an insurance policy citizens pay premiums into then collect when they retire.

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Obama Muslim Myth on the Rise

This is a right wing smoke screen they use to hide what they are really up to...the conversion of our nation into a corporate entity that is no longer responsible to the citizens, but to a select few at the top who already hold 98% of our total wealth. These people long ago bought and paid for the GOP and have them doing their dirty work. They are experts at using hate, fear, bigotry and hysteria to turn one American against another for political gain.

What is the sickest part of their plot to create a "corporatist" America is that they have been so successful in manipulating religion and so-called Christians to join in with this bigotry and hate. I guess those are the "Christians" who decided to change the spelling of their deity from GOD to GOP.

But why are the more main stream Christian organizations remaining so quit while all of this takes place?
About Barack Obama
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scammed: What Shirley Sherrod and Social Security Have in Common

More SS fakery.

Some things people need to know.

Republicans would love to repeal or drastically cut Social Security claiming it is bankrupt. But here are some facts you need to know.

* Primarily financed by a 12.5% payroll tax split between the wage earner and the employer.

* Pays monthly benefits to about 53 million Americans.

* For 25 years has been taking in more that it pays out and now has a reserve of $2.5 Trillion Dollars.

* During the current recession SS has had to draw on those reserves due to high unemployment.

* The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the reserve fund and payroll taxes will cover full payment of benefits for another 33 years. ( Plenty of time to restore the economy if conservatives stop blocking provisions to do so. )

From my own article here: http://joethevoter.org/decoded-secret-gop-agenda.html
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Drill, Gamble, Loot, Starve: The Chamber of Commerce, the GOP, and the Politics of Plunder

Is there any wonder who the Republicans work for any longer? My own bit of satire here with some graphics I hope you will spread. http://www.gopofficialoil.com My logo here appeared in the opening credits of the Keith Olbermann show last week ! Whoopee !
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

BP, The GOP's Official Oil Company

BP, The GOP's Official Oil Company

Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us

Nothing new..but too often ignored. Where there are valuable resources we will be there to "protect our national interests" which translates to: We will stay until the resources are gone.

Sadly Afghanistan, once thought to have nothing of value, has found pretty substantial reserves of valuable minerals. That of course, makes their nation of "interest". It also means there are more resources for the corruption inside the country to fight over.

We need to show them how to mine their resources and get out of the way. If they wind up killing each other over their own new found wealth...so be it. That blood won't be on our hands.

As a soldier McCrystal should not have said what he said openly. That does not mean he was not right.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sarah Palin Demands Hardball Regulations and a Takeover of BP

Let me see if I understand this correctly. Sarah "drill baby drill" Palin. lover of big oil, former Alaska governor and Republican who says big government is BAD now wants our government to be in the oil business and take over a private company?

Did I REALLY hear that correctly or is there some strange static in this blog?

Personally I would not morn the loss of BP but coming from Palin this sounds like she has been possessed by a socialist !
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glenn Beck Gets It Right

Wow I would never thought I would take Glenn Beck over Lieberman or McCain but for once he hit a home run of wisdom. Where was Beck when Bush exposed for secretly wire tapping our citizen's conversations or when Congress decided to grant immunity to the telcoms for helping the feds violate the constitution?
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's End the War on Drugs

I can't figure out why we forgot the lessons of prohibition? Are we really that dumb?


The war on drugs even impacts the rest of us. I recently was negatively impacted by this "war against Americans" when a tenant was busted for smoking pot. He had to give up the apartment I rented him...I lose income and the present market is very bad when it comes to finding new renters.

Why do landlords, spouses, children, employers etc. have to pay such a price when someone smokes pot even as his neighbor is dying from cancer induced by legal tobacco?

There simply is no logic.
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"HC Update"

Health Care Repeal Campaigns Could Backfire On Republicans In Fall Elections

Republicans are increasingly becoming the party of "winers" in addition to the party of "no". Did health care pass? Yes. Did a single Republican vote for it? No...who cares.

They made it clear over and over that they would refuse to cooperate on health care so why should anyone be surprised? Baucus and Obama bent over backwards trying to do this bi-partisan. It was a mistake given the overt statements by Republicans that their only intention was to stall and kill health care and how ever many thousands of Americans who would die without it.

Republicans are more and more perceived as poor losers who don't like it when the Democrats do exactly what Republicans have done many times in the pass...get something done by themselves.

At least in this instance it was something for the people and not corporate interests, which is probably what really upsets Republicans.

The bill is not perfect. I don't agree with the mandate and hope the courts rule against it. Personally I would like to see a single payer system similar to the one we already have in the VA. The increase in income tax would be less than the cost of premiums which we have no control over and not vote on.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Extensive list of Freebies and online resources. Tell your friends.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Health Reform D-Day Approaches

I can't think of a more delicate way to put this...screw the Republicans.

They refused to negotiate in good faith when given the opportunity. It is time for the Democrats to, at least in this case, act like Republicans and work as a united front to make this happen. You only need 51 votes, you have 59. Use them for the people and tell the lobbyist to go home and shut up. They are not voters and don't represent the American People. They only represent greed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

The most common sense solution is a single payer universal health care system. We have one already in the VA. Our soldiers love it so why is it not good enough for the rest of us? It is because it would strangle profits of big insurance companies who put cash into the pockets of our politician's campaigns each year. Congress has been paid to look the other way while American's die.

It has been so for decades...you can't blame Obama for members of Congress who are on the take. It is up to us to communicate our displeasure and follow through by voting them out of office if they continue their greedy habits of selling us out for cash.
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Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

Republicans ( and sadly some Democrats ) are consistent in their message. The problem is we are not reading between the lines to determine what that message really is.

In case you missed it the message is: "We work for Corporations and only need the voter once every four years"
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Public Option, Medicare Buy-In Could See Senate Floor Fights

I have urged my Senator, Bill Nelson of Florida to get on board with this option. I emailed his staffer and sent a fax to his DC and Orlando offices just minutes ago.

I have also sent emails to the DNC to let them know in no uncertain terms, that if they fail to bring reform with a majority in Congress and the White House...we don't need them any longer.

It is shameful that even with a majority of votes ( recently a super majority ) they still can't get anything important done. I admire the Republicans for one thing...their willingness to work together as a unit even if it is against our best interests. If the Dems could learn anything it is that they can do what they want...if they chose to work FOR the people instead of for special interests.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Republicans Attack Military Leadership to Defend Ban On Gays

It has been most apparent to me that Republicans would love to establish a "cast" system here in America. Top Tier would be populated by their most wealthy supporters and would, of course, include all Republican Politicians.

Second tier, radical right wing fundamentalist Christians.

Somewhere below, the "forever" middle class and below even the "untouchable" poor and minorities, they want to suppress Gays and former prisoners in a cast with few rights and even less opportunity than the rest of America.

Sadly too many from the higher casts go along with them thinking it is okay as long as they are not being targeted...YET ! They don't like the idea of equal because they see themselves as better than you and me.

Why people continue to vote against their own best interests is something I cannot understand.
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