Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us

Nothing new..but too often ignored. Where there are valuable resources we will be there to "protect our national interests" which translates to: We will stay until the resources are gone.

Sadly Afghanistan, once thought to have nothing of value, has found pretty substantial reserves of valuable minerals. That of course, makes their nation of "interest". It also means there are more resources for the corruption inside the country to fight over.

We need to show them how to mine their resources and get out of the way. If they wind up killing each other over their own new found wealth...so be it. That blood won't be on our hands.

As a soldier McCrystal should not have said what he said openly. That does not mean he was not right.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost