Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ohio Union Bill Aimed At Reducing Bargaining Rights Passes State Senate

This made me ashamed of my home state. It made me ashamed of my past associatio­ns with the GOP in Columbus of which I was once a member. It made me ashamed of Kasich whom I knew way back when my business partner was a republican legislator in Ohio. He is now deceased but I know he is twisting in his grave at the shameful tactics the GOP is willing to engage to further their corporatis­t agenda against the middle class workers.

Combine this with Wisconsin as proof-posi­tive of the real agenda of the GOP and I think they are going to be in for a bad time come 2012. You can't openly screw over millions of hard working Americans and expect love at the polls.

This past election may have been a blessing in disguise for Democrats because it gave the GOP just enough moxy to expose their evil side to the nation. Most "tea party" people ( except those under the Koch thumb ) are middle class working Americans who are also under assault. Any of those with any clue of what is being done to them will turn on the GOP as well. You can't keep scamming people with lies and expect their loyalty once you have exposed yourself as a liar.

Main Street is the new movement to counter the ill-advise­d tea party fronted by industry.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost