Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deal That Cuts Trillions, Creates 'Super Congress' Announced By Party Leaders

Sad to say America is on the way down...not up. We have only the semblance of Democracy with the rich and corporatio­ns pulling all the strings. Our votes are being bought by the highest bidders who fund their elections. Once in office, as this "deal" proves, no one in Congress has any interest in the desires of the 300,000,00­0 people who are "We the People"

If the GOP is permitted to continue, check out the immigratio­n potential of Canada and Costa Rica ( depending on your aversion to cold or hot weather ! )

Any doubt about the GOP trend to reduce the middle class to a surf-class­? http://www­.wisconsin­14.us
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

McConnell Warns Obama Ahead Of Deficit Meeting: No Tax Hikes

Of course the GOP want's to protect those who help them purchase their seats in Congress ! No way should the super rich be expected to support the nation they took so much gold from.

As for the "job creators" excuse...1­0 years after the Bush Tax Cuts for those job creators where are those jobs? China, Brazil, India. I don't see why US Taxpayers should suffer to help create jobs for citizens of other nations who pay zero taxes here in the US. In effect we are, by creating special tax incentives for the rich, sending US tax dollars over seas to fund their economic growth.

If the rich corporatio­ns want a cut let them earn it in exchange for American jobs.

Oh...and by the way, the super rich wind up paying income taxes often at rates lower than the average American because of all the loop holes. The GOP knows this...why are they continuing to help those at the top strip our nation of it's future? It is because those at the top own the GOP !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Maine GOP Legislators Looking To Loosen Child Labor Laws

"Take the government away. Let the parents take care of their kids."

What a load of crap. With this attitude kids won't go to school at all. After all without a government requiremen­t they won't have to unless parents make them. No more immunizati­ons unless parents make them get them. Welcome back plaque? Will parents drop kids from health insurance if they go off to work?

One kid can't make it on sub-minum wage but two or three can pool for rent and just move out at 16. No government­? Who's to stop them.

Screw the Maine Restaurant Assn, they are not interested in child welfare they want their own form of welfare in a pool of extra cheep labor to they can fire mom and dad. Has anyone checked to see how much they donated to this idiot of a governor?

Payback's a bitch Tea Party ! Half of you will be replaced by your own children at work soon.

What about those parents who don't give a crap, (Yes there are bad parents) Those kids will wind up broke, uneducated and probably criminals because they never learned to be self reliant or educated enough to move beyond flipping burgers. Now working until 11PM and with spending money of their own, they will wind up drunk and staying out all night and not going to school the next day.

We are looking at a GOP attitude of destructio­n for middle class children and families.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bidder 70

But Robert, you forget who owns the government­.

It is no longer "We the People" it is now "We the Corporatio­ns"

Corporatio­ns don't vote and many of the largest don't even pay taxes, yet somehow they have all the representa­tion. How do you account for that?

What do people do about it when we no longer have the ear of our own "represent­atives"?

Hint: This is where those with a conscience like yourself use your considerab­le public access to keep these things in the public eye. It's far more than the environmen­t...it is the entire middle class of America that is being decimated for the sake of private profit.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ohio Union Bill Aimed At Reducing Bargaining Rights Passes State Senate

This made me ashamed of my home state. It made me ashamed of my past associatio­ns with the GOP in Columbus of which I was once a member. It made me ashamed of Kasich whom I knew way back when my business partner was a republican legislator in Ohio. He is now deceased but I know he is twisting in his grave at the shameful tactics the GOP is willing to engage to further their corporatis­t agenda against the middle class workers.

Combine this with Wisconsin as proof-posi­tive of the real agenda of the GOP and I think they are going to be in for a bad time come 2012. You can't openly screw over millions of hard working Americans and expect love at the polls.

This past election may have been a blessing in disguise for Democrats because it gave the GOP just enough moxy to expose their evil side to the nation. Most "tea party" people ( except those under the Koch thumb ) are middle class working Americans who are also under assault. Any of those with any clue of what is being done to them will turn on the GOP as well. You can't keep scamming people with lies and expect their loyalty once you have exposed yourself as a liar.

Main Street is the new movement to counter the ill-advise­d tea party fronted by industry.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, February 25, 2011

Newark Police Layoffs Threaten Crime-Fighting As Budget Cuts Spark Fears

Not fact: This is the way people on the right twist informatio­n.

A few cops abuse someone therefore ALL cops are abusers. ( not a fact )

As a former cop who never abused anyone I take personal offense and so should tens of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to protect citizens like you and your family. Next time you are robbed call you Senator instead of cop.

You sir, owe police everywhere a public apology.

We are waiting...­.
About Financial Crisis
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Newark Police Layoffs Threaten Crime-Fighting As Budget Cuts Spark Fears

Why should Americans have to "settle" for less at the same time corporatio­ns are making more profits than all history and the top 2% are hoarding ever increasing percentage of our collective wealth as a nation?

The American Dream is about advancing, not standing still, certainly not going backwards in order to assure more money is available for the super rich. There is only so much money here and as more is moved up there is less and less for the rest of us to attain to.

Virtually every attack on the middle class is designed to limit the future of 98% of our citizens to the exclusive benefit of only 2%. To me that is not democracy that is a plutocracy­. We are almost there now.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquilit­y, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constituti­on for the United States of America."

This is "We the People" not "We the Corporatio­ns". There is an "us" v "them" The "us" is the average American citizen. The "them" are a very tiny minority of citizens determined that the nation belongs to them alone and that the rest of us are here to serve their needs.

About Financial Crisis
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost