Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

McConnell Warns Obama Ahead Of Deficit Meeting: No Tax Hikes

Of course the GOP want's to protect those who help them purchase their seats in Congress ! No way should the super rich be expected to support the nation they took so much gold from.

As for the "job creators" excuse...1­0 years after the Bush Tax Cuts for those job creators where are those jobs? China, Brazil, India. I don't see why US Taxpayers should suffer to help create jobs for citizens of other nations who pay zero taxes here in the US. In effect we are, by creating special tax incentives for the rich, sending US tax dollars over seas to fund their economic growth.

If the rich corporatio­ns want a cut let them earn it in exchange for American jobs.

Oh...and by the way, the super rich wind up paying income taxes often at rates lower than the average American because of all the loop holes. The GOP knows this...why are they continuing to help those at the top strip our nation of it's future? It is because those at the top own the GOP !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost