Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Rising Tide Of Online Opposition To Paulson's Plunder

Hmmm... I just got off the phone AGAIN with my mortgage broker GREENPOINT as a result of the fact that I have stopped making payments and am filing bankruptcy. I should have asked them if they had their hand out for public assistance and who should I call for a personal bail out of my own.

Why not let the Wall Street Rich twist in the breeze and wait. Send money to homeowners to buy their mortgages out...that will put the cash back in the lending industry while at the same time bailing out the real victims with the same money...We the People.
About Wall Street Crisis
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A Note to Bill Clinton

I donate to Obama and have joined his team here in Florida to register voters and provide transportation to the polls. Also provide a web site.


( Web pages are what I do for a living, http://www.stuffdone.com )
About Bill Clinton
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A Note to Bill Clinton

Bill has to come around. With McSame's pick for VP and the very likely chance that if elected, he would be too old to run again, Palin would be the female nominee for president next time around. VP's typically have the upper hand at election time.

It is in the Clinton's best interest to want Obama to win...not just because he is the Democrat but because I am sure Hillary does not want to see Palin steal her thunder in D.C. as the first female VP.

If Palin were to screw up...and I believe she would, it could ruin chances for Hillary and other women for generations.
About Bill Clinton
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The Witch Hunter Anoints Sarah Palin

Is Sarah Palin's religion similar to Radical Islam in preaching violence against it's enemies?

"We come against the python spirits!" Then, a local pastor took the mic from Muthee and added, "We stomp on the heads of the enemy!"

My this sounds a lot like Muslim's talking to me? Isn't Kenya heavily Muslim?

Is Palin's religion preaching violence against people who don't believe as they do? VERY MUSLIM sounding to me. Radical, perhaps dangerous.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Deregulated Media And Our Endless Campaign "Silly Season"

On one hand we have a 1st Amendment right to free speech protecting candidates lies. Rules require broadcasters to publish political ads without censorship even if they know them to contain lies.

Then there is the media who make a killing selling these ads who don't want to "piss off" either golden egg by overly emphasizing the lies in their news broadcasts...as they should be doing.

A company cannot false advertise based on the "harm" principle. Personally I think electing a liar does great harm to America too and the "Truth in Advertising" should be enforced and that an out-right lie should not be protected speech when it is aimed at potential voters.

Campaign lies are an assault on the dignity of all Americans.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, September 12, 2008

With New Ads, Obama Pushes Back Against Ugly McCain Campaign

I am spreading the word.

About Barack Obama
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Seven Years Later, a Service Mandate

I think you have inhaled some republican fog and it has addled your mind. I don't know any fellow Dem's who bash military service as being dishonorable. Even Obama himself on last nights interview stated without hesitation that he thought it was a mistake for his own university, Columbia, to have banned ROTC from the campus. He made it clear that the military offered fine options for service and that by not allowing military to visit the campus, the universities are standing in the way of students being able to understand all of their service options.

As for Palin's "experience" it is just not there. No one can convince me that 18 months as a governor of a state with the smallest population, less by 1/2 than my home town in Ohio, suddenly makes her qualified to step into the shoes of the presidency.

I recently moved here from Miami-Dade. Nearly 4 million people and with a budget larger than most 3rd world nations. They deal with all of South America daily. A mayor of that sort of city is more qualified than a governor of Alaska any day.

I still want more from a VP than a nice figure and a sharp tongue.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Seven Years Later, a Service Mandate

Ok...was this the same McCain who's surrogates at the RNC belittled and made fun of community organizers?

Public Service? Community Outreach, Community organizers.... how is it that if McCain says it, it is ok, but if Obama actually did it, it was something to mock ?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Post 9-11: Are We Safer?

Are we safer? In a few respects yes. Airline cockpit doors are secure...something the airlines and the FCC should have done long ago. Even the FCC admits to a "tombstone" mentality when it comes to fixing problems.

Are we safer over all, probably not. Are we safer from our own government? No. We have two threats to the US now, one is terrorist organizations and the other has been the Bush administration and Congress who took advantage of 9/11 for their own profit interests.

Of the many billions spent on war in Iraq, virtually none of that was spent to solve the terrorist problem, and now our treasury is getting pretty bare. McCain would probably start yet another war we can't afford to pay for.

Will we sell off more of America to the middle east and China to pay for all of these wars?
About Terrorism
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're Gonna Frickin' Lose this Thing

Donate, donate, donate. McCain's official campaign is limited to the public funding he chose over Obama taking to contributions. The media may own the news but they still run the Obama ads on all networks.

If Obama can outspend McCain and keep a consistent message out there in paid ads he can take the election. He has held the middle ground all this time with the same biased news media and has not really ran that many ads.

Obama just needs to learn from the Republicans and not pull any punches...they won't. If nasty works...use it. Much as I don't like nasty there is a reason the R's revert to nasty. People buy nasty politics...what can I say. As a race we are nasty people who enjoy a good train wreck with lots of bodies.
About Barack Obama
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Friday, September 5, 2008

Republicans Revive "Bittergate," Dems Flounder

This is where Democrats need to take some pages from the Republican's play book.

No one likes nasty...but the reality is that the GOP is the king of nasty and the Dems need to learn to fight back with equal force.

The Dems have the advantage of truth on their side so they can be forceful with the truth to counter the GOP lies.

Treat Palin as a nobody. Don't pay attention to her unless necessary, than only as McCains poor choice.

Part of a sign of a good president is the people he chooses him/her to help him govern. If Palin is any sign of his process of choosing we will soon have a a back-woods boy scout as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Too scarry !
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

McCain is Running on the Amnesia Platform, But It's Democrats Who Need to Forget Sarah Palin

I agree. It is wise to just pretend that Palin does not exist. Make her the invisible woman. If you need to respond to something specific, always make the point that she has no experience that qualifies her to be president.

Keep reminding voters of this definition of insanity:

"Insanity is when you continue to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results"

McCain is the same thing...over and over. If you put him, and by extension, most of Congress back in office, nothing will change.

I would like to offer a smile by what of a Photoshop creation I made yesterday.


GOP = Change NO ONE can believe in...
About John McCain
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Is America ready for Queen Palin?

Sarah Palin. She may be a nice person but Americans don't need "nice" they need qualified.

Let's consider McCains age and the very real possibility that, if elected, Queen Sarah could become our president.

Do you want someone in the Oval Office, responsible for our national security, foreign affairs, our economy, health care, social security etc. who has no ( ZERO ) experience in any of these vital areas?

John McCain's campaign is older than Sarah's term as governor and already there are investigations into possible wrong-doing. Her former job as mayor of a very small town of about 9,000 is her only other governmental claim to fame. The university I attended has nearly 10 times as many students!

Homestead Florida has about 8 times more people...we are talking SMALL town here.

She claimed "foreign policy" experience because Alaska shares a border with Russia.

She is FAR RIGHT wing...perhaps more so than Bush and certainly farther to the right than McCain is.

Don't think of her as Vice President Palin...think of her as if she could become "President Palin"

We already have "King George" ... is America ready for "Queen Sarah"?

Is this a person to whom you want to hand the reigns of this country?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Press: Back Off Bristol Palin!

Palin's daughter should be left alone. She is not running for office and has enough to deal with.

As far as Palin's "abilities" however, the pregnant teen daughter is representative of the failures to teach our youth the facts about sex and contraception.

This is an "I told you so" moment she should wake up to.

On the other hand Palin is willing to exploit her son's being in the military for political gain. Double standard?
About Sarah Palin
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GOP Strategist Defends Palin: At Least She's Not Playing Golf Or Having Affairs

Palin may not be having affairs...yet! But she is a young beauty queen and McCain's wife, a former beauty queen, is getting older. McCain would not need her money any longer.

If McCain were to win, could Palin hit another historic first by becoming the first ever VP/First Lady ?
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Hollywood Candidate Is Not Obama

What is coming out about Palin makes me think she is not the sweet beauty contest winner she appears. It seems she is hard headed, vindictive ( firing people who disagree with her, a la Bush ). Hunting ( which I really have no problem with ) etc.

When you look at her "attributes" as a person I see a man trapped in a woman's body ! The sort of "woman" who would cut your balls off at the turn of a hat if you don't agree with her 100%.

This does not sound like someone open to discussion...she sounds like someone who, like Bush, believes in the old "My way or the highway" mentality. This type of mind set precludes negotiations and any foreign policy designed around diplomacy .

I think she shares McCains hair trigger response and would be dangerous.
About John McCain
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Why Palin? McCain v. Rove

I read an interesting article in Time magazine that suggests that a McCain victory could be a big blow to the GOP. Their reasoning sort of make sense. The though is that a Democratic take over of Congress would make McCain almost powerless and would spend most of his time trying to veto bills left and right, making the republican presidency hollow and in effective.

This would then result in another bigger back lash against republicans for not having done anything for the country for his entire presidency ,further diminishing the GOP as a viable party. You might want to read the full article if you can because they did a much better job of explaining the logic.

They also stated that a win for Obama could backlash and increase the popularity of the GOP if the Democrats become as "activist to the left" as the GOP was to the right for the past terms, causing a public tired of politics to push back to the center again...bringing back more republicans to Congress.

It would be a good policy for Dems to do what must to restore our Constitution but otherwise to keep a balance and to avoid too much activism. I just want to see some better judges on the benches for awhile.
About John McCain
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