Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

GOP Objects To Putting Health Care Amendments Online

Won't happen because it would stand in the way of their "power" but I believe that with the internet is should be mandated that EVERY bill be posted and open for public comments before it can be voted on in Congress.

Each voter should be able to post a comment using their voter registration number so they get one comment only. Those comments would be sent to their representatives based on their voting districts so those reps know what their own constituents think. Those comments should also be available for other viewers to see minus personal identifying information.

After the comment period is over the individual reps should then be required to post their response to their own constituents with regards to their intended vote and why.

Let the world know what Congress is proposing and what the people really think about it.

I see a future where an elected representative becomes pointless and where, because of technology, "We the People" can actually propose and vote on the laws we must live under.

( We need to fix a sad education system first of course )
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost