Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GOP: Defending the Little Guy from Corporations Since a Couple Days Ago

Don't forget PRO BIG HEALTH COMPANIES ! They are now on a tirade to block health care reforms that would finally assure than all Americans could have some form of coverage.

That's a Republican for you...make sure to protect the profits of yet another huge corporate interest. Remember United Health Care? Their CEO personally took one dollar of every 700 people spend on their insurance premiums. How does that kind of greed turn to care for anyone other than CEO's

Go ahead...call Blue Cross and tell them about your lack of money and a pre-existing condition and ask for them to insure you and fix your health problem. Yea right. There is no Republican plan that would provide any care at all for the poor who cannot afford it.
About Green Energy
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Cheney's War Against Obama

Hmmm! I am on OUR side. Do you remember that little document Bush used to wipe with...we call it the Constitution.

We send soldiers to die to protect it so Bush can ignore it? No one is "sticking up" for terrorists. This is about sticking up for our own Constitution. If we don't honor it ourselves how can we suggest anyone else should do so including people we ask to die to protect it.

Don't let the "right" keep you brainwashed into thinking our Constitution should be a "part time" document to use only when convenient.

This [Gitmo] is a problem Bush and conservatives made...not Obama or liberals...or is your memory really that short?
About Foreign Policy
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Cheney's War Against Obama

He [Cheney] is the wizzard...saying:

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

It is all a distraction to try to get people to stop looking at his own past deeds.
About Foreign Policy
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reform in the Age of Plastic

I have not read the bill but I hope that some of the protections re. fees etc. also protect debit card users. I have eliminate all of my credit cards. It is still safer to use a debit card rather than to carry cash so I am still a user of "plastic" money.

One dirty trick ( I have not been the target of this myself ) is for a bank to allow a debit to exceed the balance in your account then charge your account $35 to cover the purchase even if the overage amounts to a few cents. On top of that some banks then charge your account a fee as much as $5 a day for every day your account is over drawn. If a husband and wife each have a card on the same account it is not uncommon for them to use the card without knowing the other has just reached a limit. Then since they may not get a pay check for a week or two, they find that an over the limit of a dollar will wind up costing them a large chunk of their pay check !

A friend of mine banked at Merchantile Bank who allowed a charge to exceed balance by 69 cents. An over draft fee of $35.00 plus 5 days at $5 per day while waiting for a pay check to deposit resuluted in a $60 fee.
About Economy
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Words Designed to Kill Health Care Reform

I wrote my republican Senator Mel Martinez. Since it is too long to post here I posted it on the Jacksonville Times. Here is a link. I encourage everyone to write something to their congressman.

About Health
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Will Congress Back Bibi Or Obama?

RIGHT does not equal peace. It equals only cash for their military industrial complex owners.

Peace does not profit them so they are afraid of it. Profits outweigh human lives or the future of the world with them.

This is the reason people finally opened their eyes to vote for Obama.

it has been a long time since any politician has told the truth and tried to keep their campaign promises. That sets the bar too high for most career politicians and they don't like the idea of having to live up to such a high standards.

They live well in the status quo
About Israel
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Ending the War on Drugs: The Moment is Now

Your kids are your responsibility until they are no longer kids. What are YOU doing to prevent them from using drugs. In fact the war on drugs made drugs more available to kids in the first place. Without the illegal trade there is no pusher on the playground seeking his next customer to support his habit.

I am tired of parents wanting anyone but themselves to take care of their kids.

On the subject of "dying" pot has never been shown to have killed anyone while tobacco kills half a million a year and alcohol about 140,000 a year not counting drunk driving. Drug crimes kill but the key work there is "crime" not the drugs. Over doses most often occur because of bad drugs, HIV etc. from dirty needles. Many more from prescription drugs kids steal from their own parents.

While drugs are illegal, treatment is problematic. Legal drugs reduce the number of drug users and provide for open and non-stigmatizing rehab alternatives that don't cause employment and social problems later.
About Eric Holder
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That Didn't Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise To President Obama

Many people don't qualify for these programs until they reach 65. I am presently 63 and without any coverage. In Florida a single person cannot apply for medicare. Only those with minor children are eligible. Remember each state set's their own rules. The only thing available to me is a local clinic with a sliding fee scale for minor stuff.

I have had arthritis in my left hip for a number of years. I can barely walk and can't stand for more than a few minutes. I need a new hip but without insurance my only option is to continue to let my hip deteriorate further until I am 65 and hope that medicare will fix it. It will then be a more radical surgery than if it could have been done several years ago.

In the mean time I don't have the ability to do the work I used to do as an electrician. My income is much lower than it could be. Universal health care would have helped me obtain a hip, work for several more years and pay more taxes while building up more social security. Instead I have to rely on what I can earn working from home. I earn so little I had to take early social security and after deductions am not paying any income taxes at all.

Instead of universal care you can send me all the web design work you can find. http://www.stuffdone.com 10% goes to charity.
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That Didn't Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise To President Obama

This is where universal health care takes over. People with no coverage can't get preventative care and can't walk in for non-emergencies unless they have insurance or cash. Instead they wait until it becomes a far more costly emergency because that is the only option remaining for the uninsured.

Then the taxpayer picks up the tab. Better to have universal care so the taxpayer's tab can be reduced by covering preventative care and routine checkups etc. before they become emergencies. This is truly where the saying an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" applies. Doesn't it make more sense to pay $100 for a checkup and $30 for medication than to pay $5,000 for a trip to the emergency room later?

We are being stupid by placing barriers to better health only to have to pay the higher costs of failed health care later.
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That Didn't Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise To President Obama

Congress needs to "man up" and stand up to these greedy SOB's once and for all. Their only excuse not to is so they can pocket campaign money. If your reps refuse to stand up to them, you know they must have a hidden agenda that does not include your best interest. Start writing letters...lots of them.

First step...re-do the last medicare bill and remove any limitations we placed on our selves to permit again, negotiated costs of prescription drugs. The VA gets the same medications for less because they are not prohibited from negotiating a better price. Let's face it. That bill was written by the health care industry to further their own interests over those of American Citizens. Congress was all to happy to accept "campaign contributions" in exchange for passing the bill.

This is why I believe that any one in Congress that lets a lobby tell him/her what to vote or how to write bills is taking campaign cash for special favors.
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Ending the War on Drugs: The Moment is Now

Can we say "De ja vous" all over again? Does anyone remember prohibition when the "do gooders" wanted to save us all from demon rum? Enter ATF's war against the mobs who really got started as a result of Prohibition. We seem to be a nation that never learns our lesson.

There are many reasons ( http://joethevoter.org/economy/15-stupidcongress/26-legalizepot.html ) that I believe, as do many in law enforcement and even judges, that we must decriminalize all recreational drugs and treat their use as a public health matter, not a criminal justice one.

Money aside, many have gone on record saying the "War on Drugs" causes far more damage than the drugs would. And yes, a "War on Drugs" is a war against American citizens...who gets raided and sent to prison? Our own citizens.

Congress has played dumb long enough...no excuses remain to a drastic alteration of these failed policies.
About Eric Holder
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Corruption Is Dangerous to Your Health

Got the flu? Get appointments to see your elected officials. Then go see the bankers and stock brokers. Be sure to NOT cover your mouth when you sneeze. Shake lots of hands.

Perhaps mother nature will help us get rid of these greedy ba$#@d's

We need to get rid of most of our elected officials. Democrats can be bough and sold just as fast as a Republican.

They should all join "Tagged" where you can buy and sell people as pets !
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Empathy for the Devil


I recall reading a supreme court case that said, in effect, that "...it is perfectly legal to execute an innocent person provided he had a fair trial..."

This is a decision without empathy. The courts denied an appeal that could have provided actual evidence of innocence simply because the appeal was filed 24 hours too late due to a clerical error. A man who was very likely innocent was executed in N.Carolina. There is strong evidence pointing to the actual killer but the state has closed the case and refuses to examine the evidence because it would show them to be wrong and to have executed an innocent person AND allowed the person who likely is a killer, go free.

This is where the court MUST be able to use empathy and look to what is just, not just what is "constitutional".
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Empathy for the Devil

We have run into a catch22 road block of sorts. While one can argue that justice should be blind to emotion when the court is called upon to decide the validity of law, we have a Congress writing bad laws.

In our system of checks and balances we separate the writing of laws from the judgment and that leads to laws written with no empathy and people complaining to the courts who are supposed to respond without empathy.

How do you resolve what even the courts admit are bad laws even if they are "constitutional"? Lawmakers don't regulate themselves. They respond to "situations" with emotion and that results in knee jerk laws based on "empathy/emotion" then people expect the courts to avoid empathy?

No...the courts are there to moderate the justice process and to do so without empathy puts them in the position of remaining silent in the face of a gross injustice if they see it.
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Why Are Bankers Still Being Treated As Beltway Royalty?

Banks have no morals. Apparently neither do Senators who even allow those blood sucking lobbyist's in their offices. People need to be outraged. Remember the outcry last November for "Change"?

We need yet another outcry today. We need to tell Congress to ban lobbyist's from their offices if the industry they represent has taken bail out money. Congress was not elected to represent the best interest of banks...they were elected to represent the best interests of individual citizens like you and me.

Here is a link to the letter I am faxing to my Senators...I hope you will fax or write your own Senators to express your outrage. After all, what did YOU get out of the stimulus bills?

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost