Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why Are Bankers Still Being Treated As Beltway Royalty?

Banks have no morals. Apparently neither do Senators who even allow those blood sucking lobbyist's in their offices. People need to be outraged. Remember the outcry last November for "Change"?

We need yet another outcry today. We need to tell Congress to ban lobbyist's from their offices if the industry they represent has taken bail out money. Congress was not elected to represent the best interest of banks...they were elected to represent the best interests of individual citizens like you and me.

Here is a link to the letter I am faxing to my Senators...I hope you will fax or write your own Senators to express your outrage. After all, what did YOU get out of the stimulus bills?

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost