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Friday, May 15, 2009

That Didn't Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise To President Obama

Many people don't qualify for these programs until they reach 65. I am presently 63 and without any coverage. In Florida a single person cannot apply for medicare. Only those with minor children are eligible. Remember each state set's their own rules. The only thing available to me is a local clinic with a sliding fee scale for minor stuff.

I have had arthritis in my left hip for a number of years. I can barely walk and can't stand for more than a few minutes. I need a new hip but without insurance my only option is to continue to let my hip deteriorate further until I am 65 and hope that medicare will fix it. It will then be a more radical surgery than if it could have been done several years ago.

In the mean time I don't have the ability to do the work I used to do as an electrician. My income is much lower than it could be. Universal health care would have helped me obtain a hip, work for several more years and pay more taxes while building up more social security. Instead I have to rely on what I can earn working from home. I earn so little I had to take early social security and after deductions am not paying any income taxes at all.

Instead of universal care you can send me all the web design work you can find. http://www.stuffdone.com 10% goes to charity.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost