Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, April 6, 2009

Have We Reached the Tipping Point on Guns?

Note I am a liberal Democrat and I support gun rights because I support our constitution. The old saying is true, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"

Humans have found ways to kill each other since there have been people, long before the advent of guns. It is true some people should not have guns. It is also true some people should not drive a car, yet many thousands are killed each year in auto accidents.

People should not drink to excess or smoke tobacco which combined kill more than a half-million Americans a year including "innocent bystanders".

Don't cry about the "objects" that cause these tragedies rather find out why people want to kill other people or themselves in the first place. This is cultural and societal issue not a hard ware issue.

Let's publish a total of all the people who have guns who never shot anyone in order to gain real statistics on the issue. Then consider that EVERY cigarette purchased is intended to be smoked.

How many are killed by eating fatty foods? How many parents feed these fatty foods to their unsuspecting children. Can we ban fat?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost