Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama's Big 100 Days Accomplishment: Arlen Specter's Defection

Democrats just recovered what Lieberman stole when he moved to the right. Now when Coleman stops his stupid law tricks and let's Franken take his seat, things will move along. Perhaps it was Coleman's refusal to accept defeat that helped him make the switch.

At any rate the switch started during the election. Powell and other Repubicans endorsed Obama. They saw the hand writing on the wall. People were wising up to having been manipulated and lied to by the right to garner votes.

American are getting smarter with time and are learning who their real friends in power might be. It sure has never been the Republicans, unless you are among the top few percent of wealthy Americans.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost