Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GOP: Defending the Little Guy from Corporations Since a Couple Days Ago

Don't forget PRO BIG HEALTH COMPANIES ! They are now on a tirade to block health care reforms that would finally assure than all Americans could have some form of coverage.

That's a Republican for you...make sure to protect the profits of yet another huge corporate interest. Remember United Health Care? Their CEO personally took one dollar of every 700 people spend on their insurance premiums. How does that kind of greed turn to care for anyone other than CEO's

Go ahead...call Blue Cross and tell them about your lack of money and a pre-existing condition and ask for them to insure you and fix your health problem. Yea right. There is no Republican plan that would provide any care at all for the poor who cannot afford it.
About Green Energy
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost