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Monday, June 8, 2009

The Bible's Vindication of Obama's Middle East Strategy

People seem to want to treat the people of Israel as if they were different nations on the same land. Palestinians ARE Israelis by nationality ! What is different is their religion, not their lands. The lands they jointly occupy were carved out by the UN to favor the Jewish who held that area to be their promised land with little consideration of those who's families had lived there since ancient times. Neither is new to the area, nor is the conflict between Jews and Muslims.

Each have vary different religious views they have problems living side by side. Each assumes their faith is the "correct" one. The Jews control everything and don't want their citizens of non-jewish faith to have anything approaching equality in their own nation.

Take a look at Northern Ireland and the continuing conflict, some times bloody, taking place between two Christian faiths. Al Quada uses "faith" to justify mass murder in the name of "God".

As long as religions exist and are allowed to dictate the law and behavior of nations and people of power, there will be conflicts.

The best we can hope for is a long quiet cease fire...kind of like we have had in Korea since M*A*S*H left the air.
About Obama's Mideast Trip
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost