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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top Five Reasons the Baucus Bill Is Really, Really Bad

Baucus is trying his best to sell us out and make insurance companies richer than before.

"required" to buy insurance? I can't afford it now. His plan says that "affordable" plans can cost me ( age 63 ) five times more than average just because I am older. I also have a pre-existing condition. By law they can not refuse my insurance.­..provided I can afford the premium. By making it so expensive I can't buy it at all puts me in the position of (a) doing without care as is the case now, and (b) paying a government fine because I don't have enough money.

If I qualify for a subsidy from the government to pay for a premium that is inflated 5 times, that means the insurance company is getting paid for by the taxpayers including the insurance company profit.

Talk about sweet deal for insurance companies. Government is made to guarantee them new customers and must pay for them if we cannot.

How very American of him to sell us all out for cash.

He makes me ashamed to be a Democrat...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost