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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

News Corp Should Fire Glenn Beck

One only has to view any number of the Fox talking heads to see a clear pattern of bias and distortion.

I filed a complaint with the FCC and asked the FBI to investigate Beck to see if his remarks could be considered an "incite" to violence which is a federal crime. No word on that yet.

Beck is an example of but not the entire problem with Fox. I could accept his stupid and racist remarks with a grain of salt if they would remove that ever-present "FOX NEWS" log and replaced it with something that made it clear to viewers that those are NOT news programs but personal opinion shows intended for entertainment and more specifically, a notation that the remarks are not endorsed by the Fox Network.

It precisely because the network claims to be "News" and has as a motton, "Fair and Balanced" that the words uttered by the likes of Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly et.al are unacceptable. They are not broadcasting "news" !

( I tried to post to Facebook but it is not working...keeps being delayed by Google -Analytics and times out. )
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost