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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Senate Finance Committee Dropping Dem Health Goals: AP

Sen. Max Baucus is well known to be a shill for the health care industry. Just check out his campaign donations from them. Perhaps he as decided that killing the public option ( and killing more Americans in the process ) is more than off-set by the huge donations he gets.

He set a price on our heads and the health lobby paid it.

Is his committee's real plan to completely kill reform by refusing to include the one prime goal of reform?

A public option is the prime measure by which reform will be judged. Anything less will be just another hand out to private insurance companies and more funerals for those who could not afford the price of admission to health care. But the likes of Sen. Baucus have only one goal...stay in office at all cost even if it means your sick child must die.

He collected over $11 million with much coming from the private insurance industry.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost