Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is Health Care Reform About to Go the Way of No Child Left Behind?

I just posted an email to the White House web site siting your opening statement about turning away from public option etc. I stated in clear terms that I would resign from the Democratic party if they blow it, knowing there will never be another opportunity in my life time. The right may win and the 50 million uninsured Americans they hate so much will remain without help in time of medical crisis.

I am becoming more and more ashamed of this country by the day. I find it atrocious that even as we are required to pay taxes to provide health care to Congress, federal workers, military etc, we are not considered good enough to access that same care we are forced to provide to those who work for us!

We all know why of course. Money. A very tiny segment of our society is earning huge profits by selling insurance and they have a vested interest to avoid insuring anyone who might actually get sick. They have the financial resources it takes to buy as many members of Congress it takes to get their way. We don't get to vote for any of those people yet they have stronger representation in DC than do the actual citizens who vote.

I pay taxes to provide for a fire department to put out fires ( government monopoly=socalism?) I have to pay taxes to protect the health of Congress.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost