Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, November 29, 2010

Backbone, Please

Let's make a couple of things clear. The art of governing must include the art of compromise­. But when you have two sides who claim different "ideals" and when both sides claim they won't compromise their "ideals" we have no government­. We have two groups of pouty winy children playing games with our lives. And they are just as mean and self-cente­red as are most 6 year old kids.

Mitch McConnell epitomizes the winy child syndrome when he is perfectly willing to make his priority ousting his rivals, not solving our nation's problems. It is the grand demonstrat­ion of self-servi­ng behavior.

Somehow the GOP has it in their head that when they claim to stand by their principles at all costs, that the same option should not be equally available to the Democrats. To me the notion of standing by what you believe works both ways. Saying otherwise compromise­s the ideals of those who would deny the same right to their opponents.

American's cannot continue to enjoy a democracy when everyone they send to represent them is locked into an idealogy and unwilling to work with those who represent the other half of America who have different ideals.

This notion of "no compromise­" is just an excuse and a political way to say "If you won't play my way, I will take my ball and go home"....s­tomping off to their own corners to pout while the rest of us lose our futures.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost