Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Corporate Profits Hit New Record, U.S. Workers Still Struggling

Guess what...corporations never had a worry. For them the recession was just another (self made) opportunity to rape the middle class again. They played us well and dupes that we are, we fell for it and put more of their puppets back in power to boot.

If we can't take money of of politics, money will spell the end of our democracy as we know it.

Imagine a corporate controlled Congress and a majority of state legislatures under corporate dictatorships. That leaves our entire Constitution subject to amendment to suit the will of the Corporations. The middle class will have no vote or say in the matter. And dupes we are, we will continue to be suckered with their cash into voting the way they want us to.


If everyone here cares about our future and our children's future, CALL CONGRESS especially republicans there and demand passage of the DISCLOSE act. It is not perfect but as was demonstrated in the boycott against Target, corporations will shy away from supporting issues if they fear backlash. Secrecy is possible more damaging to our future than the actual cash.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost