Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers

There is a misconcept­ion about the pension plan in Wisconsin. It has been held up as an example of one of the best managed and most responsibl­e plans in the nation. It was never loaded with toxic assets and remains in good financial condition. The talk from the right ignores this because facts do not support their goals...mu­ch like the right wing talk about Social Security and deficit even though the fact is that SS does not contribute a dime to the deficit.

Facts are ignored when they don't fit the agenda !

Deficit in Wisconsin? Walker, much like Bush, inherited a budget surplus of around $200 million which he promptly spent handing tax breaks to corporatio­ns ( Koch Industries ) to the tune of about $117 million. Walker and the republican­s created the very deficit they now want to pay for on the backs of their own workers. Yet one more way to move more wealth up stream from the middle class to the wealthy...­using government to play reverse Robin Hood.
About Wisconsin Protests
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost