Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers

Fits the GOP plan to a "T".

Uneducated people are easier to manipulate­. Why do you think that the redder the state the less educated it's citizens. Why do you thing the right loves to attack teachers and education. Why do they want to eliminate grants for college, knowing then only the rich can afford higher education.

An attack on the middle class must include underminin­g their education and chances for advancemen­t.

Now list the well educated states and see how much bluer they are.

I can't understand how citizens in Wisconsin allowed a GOP takeover given their apparent education level. Guess it offers proof of how money can be used to brainwash voters.
About Wisconsin Protests
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost