Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, June 30, 2008

Understanding Obama's Recent Right Turn

About Barack Obama
He is a scholar of the Constitution and a former law professor teaching constitutional law.

Why has he not made the point that congress does not have the power to write any law that is contrary to provisions of the Constitution. Illegal wiretapping is called that for a reason.

The Constitution forbids it...period. If Congress is passing laws to by-pass, those are unconstitutional laws and those who vote for them have violated their oath of office by so voting.

I long ago gave up on Bush respecting the Constitution...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Right On, General Clark. Do Not Back Down.

About John McCain
McCain's experience do qualify him to speak about being an abused prisoner.

How is it he went along with Bush's torture policies?

Seems he is able to forget even the most "permanent" of experiences if it suits his ambitions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Republicans Taunt Obama As Spineless Over FISA Reversal

About Iraq
I posted in the mail list for Obama that I was also disappointed. I still will vote for him because the alternative is far far worse. But what this means for me as a supporter is that I may not donate again.

A Constitutional principle such as freedom from unreasonable search ( FISA and immunity ) should never be a bargaining chip. Obama and most politicians seem to forget a few basics here.

1) They swore an oath of office to uphold the Constitution

2) The rights they are willing to bargain away for votes don't belong to just them, they belong to every American. I don't appreciate having MY freedoms used as political chess pieces.

Any one else feel the same?

Read this POLL:


and call your Senator and call the Obama campaign. If the link above does not work it is also on http://www.reelectnoone.com
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed, Says Obama Wants to "Talk White"

About Barack Obama
Nader has done great things for consumers in the past. He is likely a decent person, concerned about the future of America.

Nader is not president material however. In fact one could make the argument that he caused the Iraq war by helping draw votes from Al Gore, Thus insuring Bush's election.

Nader is best at promoting sound ideas and discussion. He should work for McCain or Obama but not try to get elected. He knows he can't win and only draws votes away from more electable candidates.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Karl Rove

About Karl Rove
Wonder how much my opinion is worth?

I officially offer my services to give speeches for only $6000 plus transportation and meals.

Such a deal !!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Personal Democracy Forum: Blogging The Wisdom Of Crowds

Perfect timing !

Last night I was watching a science program that touched on the "wisdom of crowds" It cited experiments where hundreds were guessing the weight of a bull. Though no one hit the exact weight, the median of all the guess was right on ! Another example, in the search for the lost US Sub Scorpion, many tried to locate it without success. Someone got the idea of averaging everyone's best guess and it was found only 220 yards from the average of those wrong guesses.

No one person my get it right, but the average the wisdom of the crowd and you are likely to be right on!

Based on polls and blogs, Obama is our next president !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why Congress Treats The Constitution Like A Toy

READ MY LIPS ! It is about upholding the Constitution as they have all sworn an oath to do as a requirement of the office. If they plan to follow the rules why would they need or ask for immunity?

That request SPECIFICALLY states that they intend to break the law and violate the very constitution they swore to protect.

Obeying the law is not a "matter of choice" as Rep. Lagnevin implies.

I am equally upset at the total lack of respect most Democrats and all but one Republican has shown for the Constitution and their oaths.

If we can't trust Congress to protect us from deliberate violations of the law who can we trust?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Time for a Grand Inquest into Bush's High Crimes

FISA aside it is still unconstitutional to wire tap without a proper warrant. A mere piece of legislation cannot amend the Constitution.

All that bill will do is further prove the incompetence Congress and the President to lead our country into the future. With no regard or respect for the very Constitution they have sent troops to die to protect, very few of them deserve the office they hold.

It is time for a wholesale house cleaning in Washington, starting with Pelosi, Lieberman and most Republicans. ( I trust Ron Paul more than most Republicans )
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Why Congress Treats The Constitution Like A Toy

Perhaps it is time for a new document...not the Constitution...but a signed contract whereby members of Congress stipulate in writing their oath of office. Part of that agreement should be that if they enter any vote that is contrary to the Constitution they will voluntarily resign their seat in Congress.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

McCain's Campaign Funding Hypocrisy: Why Are the Media Looking the Other Way?

About Barack Obama
Campaign Finance is a big issue because money is a big issue. Because MSM is typically biased and Talk Radio is ALWAYS biased, typically to the right.

A candidate must be in a position to spend a lot of money to get a message out past all of the "free" bad press published by the media. Corporate media won't let the candidates just promote their platforms, they have to interject an opinion, left or right, forcing more spending to counter the opinions.

This could backfire against the republicans this time around. Their right-wing hate-spewing talking heads, print, TV and radio, will require a lot of spending on Obama's part.

He can bring in the dollars where McCain will limit himself by accepting public financing. The talking heads will, in directly perhaps, help Obama's supporters decide to pony up still more money for the campaign to help drown out the stupid chatter, helping Obama go over the top.

A campaign is about who can out spend who...Obama will win.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

McCain's Campaign Funding Hypocrisy: Why Are the Media Looking the Other Way?

About Barack Obama
This could be a good thing! Main stream media has already lost it's ranking thanks to internet media's growth. As they continue to show their biases as opposed to reporting truth and facts, people will continue to move farther away from them and be drawn more and more to the internet for information.

When "corporate media" dies, they will have only their own ignorance and failing quality for reporting to blame.

I posted this poll online...not a single voter things main stream media is doing its job.


Perhaps it is time the "big" editors start to read the lines...not between them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Obama Adviser On FISA: We'll Trust The Inspector General To Prevent Surveillance Abuses

Remember with Obama in office Bush is gone. Obama, FISA or not, can simply choose to not wire tap.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Adviser On FISA: We'll Trust The Inspector General To Prevent Surveillance Abuses

I posed this in faxes to my senators and to McCain and Obama:

Filibuster Demand

Question: Why would they want immunity?

Answer: So they can knowingly break the law without consequences?

Question: Is this a nation of laws?

Answer: Yes ( so far )

Question: Did YOU take an oath sworn on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the US when you took office?

Answer: Yes, the Constitution required you to do so.

Question: Does immunity allow them to break the law?

Answer: Yes

The only conclusion a rational person can arrive at is that voting to allow any private company and/or the Bush administration to knowingly, with premeditation violate the law and the Constitution you swore to protect would be a violation of your oath of office, a violation of the trust of the American people and an admission that you are willing to compromise your ethics and our Constitution to please a rogue and dangerous administration.

Therefore, the only moral and ethical course of action is to do all in your power to block any legislation that is intended to permit the breaking of our laws by granting immunity for doing so.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, June 23, 2008

Gone With The Wind: Has Obama Blown It?

About Iraq
So stupid it is laughable. How can anyone make anything other than Kudo's out of Obama's decision to raise his money honestly ?

Oh I know....it now puts the pressure on McCain to get HIS money honestly as well. Problem is McCain without special interest money equales an unopposed Obama in November.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Democrats Beware: The Green Party Convention Cometh!

About Barack Obama
Perhaps Greens don't want to have to risk being associated with Republicrats, those Dems who continue to bow down to and vote for anything Bush puts in front of them.

I'd be ashamed to have that association myself !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Democrats Beware: The Green Party Convention Cometh!

About Barack Obama
Green party...that's one more!

The three major parties now are:



Republicrats ( Dems who vote like Republicans )

We need more parties !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, June 20, 2008

Congress is spineless. Pelosi is a traitor to Dems and American's rights

Today the House again caved in to Bush's demands to let him spy on Americans and hold telcoms immune from prosecution for helping him betray and and trample our Constitution...AGAIN !

I want to strongly assert my goal for this blog and my site http://www.reelectnoone.com

There are precious few in Congress that deserve their seat there. By and large they are all a spineless backstabbing lot, firmly in the pockets of big business and of a corrupt administration.

They repeatedly ignore their own oat of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States while sending soldiers to die to protect that document.

Their behavior is unsupportable. Every member who voted to allow Bush to trample the constitution...every member who stood in the way of impeachment should be voted out of office. I don't discriminate. If they are a Democrat, replace them with an independent or a Republican. If they are a Republican, replace them with a Democrat.

We can't let them back in Congress. They will just betray is again and again for as long as we allow them to return to Washington. Their Oath of Office means nothing to them. They are not to be trusted.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Open Letter to Congress: A Call for Impeachment

On Monday, June 9th 2008, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made history on the floor of the House by reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush. I highly respect his courage and integrity which has exceeded what most members of Congress have shown lately.

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) has his own impeachment in the works against Dick Cheney and has joined with Dennis in support of the proceeding against Bush. Kudos to Rep. Wexler as well.

As more comes to light on an almost daily basis about lies, deceit and outright illegal activity on the part of the Bush administration, it is ever more apparent that Congress must take this action on behalf of all Americans and in particular, on behalf of the thousands of dead and injured soldiers who died in a war started with lies.

The million plus dead Iraqi citizens also need vindication from America's deadly blunders. The world is watching us and you, our Congress.

Now it appears the move to impeach is stalled, in part because of Speaker Pelosi's siding with the Bush administration against American's reputation and best interest.

Congress has this one chance to clear it's own name. For seven plus years Congress has aided and abetted a rogue, lawless administration by handing him bill after bill to undermine the Constitution. Each time the Supreme Court declared Bush's actions to be unconstitutional, he came to you and you handed him more unconstitutional laws.

Bush is not above the law. You cannot be so ignorant that you ( Congress ) did not know what you were doing. I will excuse the early years when Bush had a Republican Congress who let him work them like puppets to do his bidding. Democrats are now in the majority, yet I see little sign that anything has really changed at all.

While I would not expect you to impeach yourselves, though many of you do not deserve the office you hold, I would expect you to hold the present administration responsible for it's actions and to do so quickly before you throw away the only chance you have to do so.

Any member standing in the way of impeachment hearings is obstructing justice and is forgetful of their own oath of office to uphold the constitution. Some of you have the same blood on your hands as does the President, with well over a million humans dead in Iraq and hundreds in illegal detention. Bush will never wash his own hands. He is arrogant and thumbs his nose at Congress, the law, the Supreme Court and the Constitution and you have helped him do this for far too long. Time to say "enough is enough" on behalf of the We, the people.

America is watching you. America wants impeachment. Many of you are due for reelection this fall. Few of you deserve another term, however, you can start to atone for your own failures to protect our nation from the illegal actions of the administration by moving forward with impeachment, finally showing some courage of your own.

Will you stand up and say YEA! to impeachment or will you site silently by, letting the lawlessness continue hoping it will just "go away"? Will you allow bad precedents already set by this administration to remain for future presidents to follow or will you finally do YOUR DUTY? Send a clear signal into the future that no president is above the law....that NO PRESIDENT shall thumb his/her nose at Congress our Constitution and the Supreme Court as Bush and Cheney have been allowed to do for too long.

If you truly believe in your oath of office, that you are the protectors of the Constitution and of your country you cannot allow lawlessness to continue in the executive branch.

The ball is in your court, Congress. Are you going to play or sit on the bench?