Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Republicans Taunt Obama As Spineless Over FISA Reversal

About Iraq
I posted in the mail list for Obama that I was also disappointed. I still will vote for him because the alternative is far far worse. But what this means for me as a supporter is that I may not donate again.

A Constitutional principle such as freedom from unreasonable search ( FISA and immunity ) should never be a bargaining chip. Obama and most politicians seem to forget a few basics here.

1) They swore an oath of office to uphold the Constitution

2) The rights they are willing to bargain away for votes don't belong to just them, they belong to every American. I don't appreciate having MY freedoms used as political chess pieces.

Any one else feel the same?

Read this POLL:


and call your Senator and call the Obama campaign. If the link above does not work it is also on http://www.reelectnoone.com
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost