Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Obama Adviser On FISA: We'll Trust The Inspector General To Prevent Surveillance Abuses

I posed this in faxes to my senators and to McCain and Obama:

Filibuster Demand

Question: Why would they want immunity?

Answer: So they can knowingly break the law without consequences?

Question: Is this a nation of laws?

Answer: Yes ( so far )

Question: Did YOU take an oath sworn on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the US when you took office?

Answer: Yes, the Constitution required you to do so.

Question: Does immunity allow them to break the law?

Answer: Yes

The only conclusion a rational person can arrive at is that voting to allow any private company and/or the Bush administration to knowingly, with premeditation violate the law and the Constitution you swore to protect would be a violation of your oath of office, a violation of the trust of the American people and an admission that you are willing to compromise your ethics and our Constitution to please a rogue and dangerous administration.

Therefore, the only moral and ethical course of action is to do all in your power to block any legislation that is intended to permit the breaking of our laws by granting immunity for doing so.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost