Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, June 20, 2008

Congress is spineless. Pelosi is a traitor to Dems and American's rights

Today the House again caved in to Bush's demands to let him spy on Americans and hold telcoms immune from prosecution for helping him betray and and trample our Constitution...AGAIN !

I want to strongly assert my goal for this blog and my site http://www.reelectnoone.com

There are precious few in Congress that deserve their seat there. By and large they are all a spineless backstabbing lot, firmly in the pockets of big business and of a corrupt administration.

They repeatedly ignore their own oat of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States while sending soldiers to die to protect that document.

Their behavior is unsupportable. Every member who voted to allow Bush to trample the constitution...every member who stood in the way of impeachment should be voted out of office. I don't discriminate. If they are a Democrat, replace them with an independent or a Republican. If they are a Republican, replace them with a Democrat.

We can't let them back in Congress. They will just betray is again and again for as long as we allow them to return to Washington. Their Oath of Office means nothing to them. They are not to be trusted.