Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama Delivers a Real Energy Plan for America: Efficiency Now, 10% Renewables by 2012, One Million Plug-ins by 2015

We also need 100% electric cars. Most daily driving can be done with today's electric vehicle technology and batteries. Detroit made them once then quit when the pressure was off..destroying all the demo vehicles they had on the road in California.

I have more info here: http://www.reelectnoone.com/electric_car.php

In any case, while it is great to provide incentives to auto makers, if people can't afford to buy them there is a road block. For instance, with the rising cost of gas, how much trade in can someone expect when trading for an electric? Can people even get back what they may owe on their current vehicle? Will people start "walking away" from car loans the way they are being forced to do with mortgages today?

There needs to be incentives to allow people to obtain new vehicles, not just for Detroit to build them, and I am NOT talking tax credit, because many people's incomes are so low that a tax credit is useless to them. There needs to be, instead of a "credit" an actual government trade allowance that can be taken at dealers at time of purchase.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost