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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oil: Supply vs. Demand

Taxing corporations is pointless. They just include that in the price of goods and we pay them in the end. Only people pay taxes.

You have to tax the owners of the corporations and make sure they pay their fair share on their personal incomes. The more the corporation makes the more the taxes collected from those who actually receive the profits.

A fair taxation would not tax a business at all because those are always passed along to us, hidden in the cost of goods...so we pay them anyway. Tax the incomes of the owners only, but tax them so they have to actually pay them.

Same goes for trucking...don't tax their fuel. Don't charge road taxes. We pay those for them when we buy the goods. Tax the incomes only as that is the only way to tax profits of wealthy big business.
About Oil
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost