Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, August 15, 2008

Will the Real Pro-life Party Please Stand Up?

There are as many liberals out helping children if not more. Certainly when it comes to politics it is the liberals who want to help the poor, provide for health care etc. Republicans almost always vote against anything except tax breaks for those who hold most of the wealth.

There is nothing wrong with being religious right. There is something wrong when you say you have an exclusive on wanting to help children. Denying contraception as some right wing people advocate is just a disaster waiting to happen in the form of unwanted children who will then need your help somewhere.

When the church asks government to legislate it's particular views on everyone that is a sign the church is weak and cannot teach it's own flock. Why else ask someone outside in the form of the "devil politician" to help do what you cannot. Politicians always have an ulterior motive, typically greed. A preacher that beds with politicians is also suspect by association.

There are many churches...each with good work done and more to do. They don't all agree on the same things so must agree to disagree and continue with what each things best fits their teaching. It is impossible to expect government to satisfy each religion as well as each person who chooses not to follow any particular belief. All are equal in America, not just the religious right.
About Democratic Convention
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost