Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

News Corp Should Fire Glenn Beck

One only has to view any number of the Fox talking heads to see a clear pattern of bias and distortion.

I filed a complaint with the FCC and asked the FBI to investigate Beck to see if his remarks could be considered an "incite" to violence which is a federal crime. No word on that yet.

Beck is an example of but not the entire problem with Fox. I could accept his stupid and racist remarks with a grain of salt if they would remove that ever-present "FOX NEWS" log and replaced it with something that made it clear to viewers that those are NOT news programs but personal opinion shows intended for entertainment and more specifically, a notation that the remarks are not endorsed by the Fox Network.

It precisely because the network claims to be "News" and has as a motton, "Fair and Balanced" that the words uttered by the likes of Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly et.al are unacceptable. They are not broadcasting "news" !

( I tried to post to Facebook but it is not working...keeps being delayed by Google -Analytics and times out. )
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Want to Work 112 Days a Year? Run For Congress

You know with certainty that these special interest get what they want from the members they "buy". If you spent millions and received nothing in return would you keep spending year after year? Of course not.

As citizens we don't get to vote for any lobbyist, we vote for a person we hope will posses the ethics and morals to represent our best interests...but that is not what we get. We are always out voted by whoever has the most cash and in relation to health care this results in 22,000 dead Americans a year on average. More deaths than 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan and WWII ! Lives traded away by Congress in exchange for cash to run for office just so they can provide these favors to their friends.

We still control the vote if we pay attention...we can impose term limits by not reelecting the same greedy bozos over and over. If we continue to ignore the facts and keep the same people in DC then all I can say is that we have the government we deserve.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Senate Finance Committee Dropping Dem Health Goals: AP

Sen. Max Baucus is well known to be a shill for the health care industry. Just check out his campaign donations from them. Perhaps he as decided that killing the public option ( and killing more Americans in the process ) is more than off-set by the huge donations he gets.

He set a price on our heads and the health lobby paid it.

Is his committee's real plan to completely kill reform by refusing to include the one prime goal of reform?

A public option is the prime measure by which reform will be judged. Anything less will be just another hand out to private insurance companies and more funerals for those who could not afford the price of admission to health care. But the likes of Sen. Baucus have only one goal...stay in office at all cost even if it means your sick child must die.

He collected over $11 million with much coming from the private insurance industry.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Media's Treatment of Palin's Outrageous "Death Panel" Claims

Where is the FCC in all of this when they ignore out right lies broadcast by so-called news media?

Is there no truth in news any more?

As to Palin...she is a two-faced you-know-what because just a while back on TV she said words to the effect, "...to honor our soldiers can't we all just agree to stop making things up."

How soon she forgot...then promptly started making things up.

The fact that the media did not call her on that outright lie says a lot about how far our journalism has fallen in recent years. Is there a station you can still trust? I have not found it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Is Health Care Reform About to Go the Way of No Child Left Behind?

I just posted an email to the White House web site siting your opening statement about turning away from public option etc. I stated in clear terms that I would resign from the Democratic party if they blow it, knowing there will never be another opportunity in my life time. The right may win and the 50 million uninsured Americans they hate so much will remain without help in time of medical crisis.

I am becoming more and more ashamed of this country by the day. I find it atrocious that even as we are required to pay taxes to provide health care to Congress, federal workers, military etc, we are not considered good enough to access that same care we are forced to provide to those who work for us!

We all know why of course. Money. A very tiny segment of our society is earning huge profits by selling insurance and they have a vested interest to avoid insuring anyone who might actually get sick. They have the financial resources it takes to buy as many members of Congress it takes to get their way. We don't get to vote for any of those people yet they have stronger representation in DC than do the actual citizens who vote.

I pay taxes to provide for a fire department to put out fires ( government monopoly=socalism?) I have to pay taxes to protect the health of Congress.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country

Man you are soooooo right and it makes me so mad on so many levels.

1st is the fact that I pay taxes for an education system that turns out so many stupid people...but that may be part of the plan!

2nd is that these same stupid people can run for office and don't have to pass a test, unlike a city garbage collector.... but then Congress just makes the garbage and they don't have to cart it away.

3rd is, how can you even argue with a stupid person? It is much like arguing with a teenager which, by the way, we should allow to become members of congress while they still know everything...and they already love to argue.

4th is how stupid the media has become. I really don't think all the talking heads are really that stupid, just bought and paid for so they will say anything.

5th is how people can think it OK to pay taxes to protect their property ( fire and police ) but balk at paying a tax to protect their own lives while paying to provide government health care for Congress.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost