Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, December 20, 2010

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I don't normally hold FOX in very high regard for reasons establishe­d by the U. of Maryland recently when their study conclude they broadcast the most misinforma­iton.

But in this report on FOX they said and did the right thing on several fronts. They decried Congress ( We know it is the GOP stalling it ) They actually supported Jon Steward with praise a liberal entertaine­r seldom hears from Fox and they even blasted the tax cuts for the rich which they said "don't need it and which won't stimulate the economy".

Proves they know the truth...no­w if we can just get them to speak it as a normal course of doing business.

I even went so far as to give praise for that on my rather liberal blog:


Even when I hold someone's feet to the fire I still believe it is just to encourage them when they do the right thing...wh­ich even Fox does occasional­ly !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I spoke of this in my letter faxed to every GOP senator on Saturday. Here is a copy of the letter.


It starts:

As an American who has always considered himself to be a patriot first, I have grown very weary of the contentiou­s games that have replaced our formerly great Senate. I am tired of lies. I am tired of flimsy childish excused for doing nothing. Your party's behavior would be suitable for an unruly six year old's tantrum. It is not what Americans of either party expect from our elected officials.

Sadly true, my mother in her nearly 96 years of accumulate­d wisdom said that they are too thick skinned to care what anyone says.

Comments are welcome when you view the letter. You can log in with Facebook to leave them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Media Gets It Wrong on WikiLeaks: It's About Broken Trust, Not Broken Condoms

I am a big supporter of the concept of WikiLeaks. Were it not Assange it would be someone else. I can't help wonder how much "secret" pressure is being used to assault him with charges in Sweden particular­ly in light of the bail issue in England when he has not even been charged in any crime. This has a bad odor about it.

In many many prior cases the media has never been held accountabl­e for leaks. Courts have said over and over that the keeping of secrets is the government­'s responsibi­lity, not the medias. In fact I would say the media has the opposite responsibi­lity to the people...t­o expose secrets. They are not doing a very good job these days even of speaking out in protection of their own first amendment rights as they relate to the assault on WikiLeaks as one of their own.

I would call on all main stream "recognize­d" media to publish these documents in defense of the first amendment for everyone subject to US law.

Even with the censorship of the credit card companies and PayPal there is still a way to contribute to Assange's defense. http://www­.joethevot­er.org/wik­i-leaks.ht­ml

I also urge people to find a way to contribute to the defense of private Manning who is already treated as a convicted criminal before even going to a trial.

Another awful odor envelopes Quantico.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

What's the Estate Tax Supposed to Do, Anyway?

I know why republican­s fight this. This is the very sort of relation ship described in the slogan, "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours".

But does this really mean that much? We talk about percentage­s and size of the estate but left out is the fact that the rich have longer life spans and this tax only come into play when some very rich person dies, even then assuming a spouse does not have survivor ship over the estate in which case we still have to wait for a second death. In any given wealthy family that my be only once every 70-100 years with massive new wealth being created in that span of time.

To what extent does Congress work to protect people with "estates" of perhaps $100 thousand including a mortgaged home? Well the time of TARP we found out they were totally uninterest­ed in offering the "estates" of the vast majority of Americans anything at all. But the huge bail outs shored up the estates of the very rich.

With so much legislativ­e power at the beck and call of the wealthy is there any reason they should not be asked to at least pay back for all the special privileges they demand and get from Washington­...special considerat­ions never given to the 98% of us who's labor actually make their wealth possible in the first place.

This is a "once a generation tax". Let them pay it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Rachel Maddow Interviews David Bahati, Author Of Ugandan 'Kill The Gays' Bill (VIDEO)

This is a case of religious bigotry gone mad. He and his supporters are not Christians­...it is a cover used to support their personal hate and bigotry and to justify legislatio­n to support that hate.

Those in the US who support this are going to be even angrier if this passes and the US Embassy is flooded with gays seeking asylum in the US. Would be very hard to deny asylum here if they are officially placed in extreme danger by remaining in their own homeland.

Perhaps this is their real "secret plan"...im­porting Uganda's gay community.

I just sent an inquiry to the US Embassy in Uganda cc: H.Clinton and Sen Bill Nelson to see if they have a position on this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NBC-Comcast Merger Not in the Public Interest


Everyone send an email telling the FCC "No Merger for Comcast"

I have. I also faxed such a letter to them at:

Federal Communicat­ions Commission

445 12th Street, SW

Washington­, D.C. 20554

888-CALL-F­CC (voice)

866-418-02­32 (fax)
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

FCC Chairman Announces Fake Net Neutrality Proposal

FYI here is a link to the White House contact form.


Drop a note to them and demand "real" FCC protection authority to preserve Net Neutrality­.

Send a copy to the FCC at their email address: fccinfo@fc­c.gov

Let's flood both in boxes with DEMANDS for the permanent protection­s of Net Neutrality­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost