Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, December 20, 2010

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I spoke of this in my letter faxed to every GOP senator on Saturday. Here is a copy of the letter.


It starts:

As an American who has always considered himself to be a patriot first, I have grown very weary of the contentiou­s games that have replaced our formerly great Senate. I am tired of lies. I am tired of flimsy childish excused for doing nothing. Your party's behavior would be suitable for an unruly six year old's tantrum. It is not what Americans of either party expect from our elected officials.

Sadly true, my mother in her nearly 96 years of accumulate­d wisdom said that they are too thick skinned to care what anyone says.

Comments are welcome when you view the letter. You can log in with Facebook to leave them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost