Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, December 20, 2010

Momentum Building Toward a Christmas Miracle for Our 9/11 Heroes

I don't normally hold FOX in very high regard for reasons establishe­d by the U. of Maryland recently when their study conclude they broadcast the most misinforma­iton.

But in this report on FOX they said and did the right thing on several fronts. They decried Congress ( We know it is the GOP stalling it ) They actually supported Jon Steward with praise a liberal entertaine­r seldom hears from Fox and they even blasted the tax cuts for the rich which they said "don't need it and which won't stimulate the economy".

Proves they know the truth...no­w if we can just get them to speak it as a normal course of doing business.

I even went so far as to give praise for that on my rather liberal blog:


Even when I hold someone's feet to the fire I still believe it is just to encourage them when they do the right thing...wh­ich even Fox does occasional­ly !
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost