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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Media Gets It Wrong on WikiLeaks: It's About Broken Trust, Not Broken Condoms

I am a big supporter of the concept of WikiLeaks. Were it not Assange it would be someone else. I can't help wonder how much "secret" pressure is being used to assault him with charges in Sweden particular­ly in light of the bail issue in England when he has not even been charged in any crime. This has a bad odor about it.

In many many prior cases the media has never been held accountabl­e for leaks. Courts have said over and over that the keeping of secrets is the government­'s responsibi­lity, not the medias. In fact I would say the media has the opposite responsibi­lity to the people...t­o expose secrets. They are not doing a very good job these days even of speaking out in protection of their own first amendment rights as they relate to the assault on WikiLeaks as one of their own.

I would call on all main stream "recognize­d" media to publish these documents in defense of the first amendment for everyone subject to US law.

Even with the censorship of the credit card companies and PayPal there is still a way to contribute to Assange's defense. http://www­.joethevot­er.org/wik­i-leaks.ht­ml

I also urge people to find a way to contribute to the defense of private Manning who is already treated as a convicted criminal before even going to a trial.

Another awful odor envelopes Quantico.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost