Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama and McCain Unlikely to Woo Hardcore Pa. Gun Rights Voters

I am a DEMOCRAT and an OBAMA supporter. I also grew up with guns and owned and shot and hunted from a young age. People seem to think that Democrat automatically means anti-gun. Not so !

I was at a rally for a local democratic candidate and, in talking to many of the groups, most owned guns and some of the "white haired ladies" there were packing with a concealed weapon permit!

You do see concern in inner city areas where crime is a major problem but D's & R's alike are politicians first and rights advocates second. Both sides will feel the direction of the wind and talk that line when it is to their political advantage.

Recent years have seen civil and constitutional erosion created by politicians under a republican president. ALL of our rights are or should be sacred but some less so according to the current congress. "We the People" have to keep our voices heard. The next batch to hit DC will be "gun shy" after the upset that is about to happen.
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Tight Polls and Rumors of an Obama Visit Boost Momentum in Arizona

Nice! A dead heat in McCain's own turf ! And without Obama airing ads!

Imagine the look on McCain's face if his own state turns to Obama for Change. Who better though. AZ Citizens have had a front row seat while McCain helped the Bush administration for 8 years.

Is Arizona better off now than the rest of the nation? One might think that if McCain was all he claims, at least he could have done something to help spare his own state from this chaos.

I would love to see Obama take Arizona !!
About Barack Obama
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Scranton Catholics, Defying Bishop, Put Economy Before Religion.

There was a time, prior to Roe v Wade when abortions were illegal. Women still had them but the rich went abroad while the poor died in back-alley clinics. Apparently the "Church" has forgotten this. So the question is...pro which lives? Bad abortions often resulted in losing not just the fetus but also the mother.

Churches are anti-prostitution...but it is still there. Churches ( some ) are against contraception, but it is still there and contributes to abortions. If churches had their way we would be living in the "Christian" version of Iran where our elected officials no longer represented the average person and had to ask "permission" of the church to pass laws.

No one church can speak for me and not one has the right to assume they can or should.
About Joe Biden
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Is Al Qaeda Messing With Our Elections?

It is not al-Qaeda messing with elections...it is stooges like Drudge, O'Reilly, FOX and Limbaugh who are being used like puppets to mess with elections. These "news" outlets have no mind of their own and will gladly quote terrorists propaganda for them. Personally I would just refuse to grand al-Qaeda any air time at all because that just gives them "news credits" they don't deserve.

Sure al-Qaeda want's to see Bush's administration humiliated.

Want to know something?

So do I !
About Terrorism
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The Battle Over CA Prop 5: Special Interests Overwhelming the Public Interest

Our justice system itself is a crime. It is not currently interested in public safety or rehabilitation..it is geared toward profits.

Our "war on drugs" is really a war on the poor and minorities who are "treated" for abuse with prison time then find they can't get jobs when released.

The sad part is we let our politicians do this to us, the tax payers. We are the ones who pay for this reckless system. We are the ones who pay when we become crime victims.

I find it hard to believe that what we do now including the financial and social cost to society is somehow better than just allowing some people to use drugs. I am not advocating drug use but when we look at the fact that the "war on drugs" is causing more collateral damage and money than the drugs themselves would, the question is, are we protecting anything other than profits?
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Monday, October 27, 2008

A Mormon's Lament: Church Is On the Wrong Side of History Again With Proposition 8

I find it hard to take Mormon seriously as a Christian church. Any organization that supports wars and tries to use it's influence to demand that people of other faiths must abide by their belief system via government intervention, is not Christian. Their opposition to gay unions is an attempt to use the Church and our Government to divide rather than unite people.

I guess they forgot that they were among the persecuted at one time, hence their journey here in the first place. I guess they also forgot about the separation of Church and State put in place specifically to keep government out of the business of religion.

I suppose Mormon teaching now is based on the premise that "We have what we want, but now we don't want anyone else to have what they want."

Oh well...perhaps some other faith will push for an amendment making the Mormon church illegal.

Now that IS both un-American and un-Christian like behavior if you ask me. Shame on Mormons.

About Gay Marriage
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jewish Seniors in South Florida Anxious About Obama But Still Support Him

Jewish voters are smart. Sure some are easily swayed by false statements but if those who know better speak the truth to them, they will understand. McCain is NOT GOOD for them or for America.

McCain = Bush = War. War is not good for anyone and war in the middle east is never good for Israel because it amplifies existing hate and tension in the entire region.

America's presence in so many places where we do not belong serves to increase tension and the threat to Israel, not reduce it.

Israel has always been and felt safer when all sides are talking and not dropping bombs. McCain does not want to talk...he wants to bomb, bomb,bomb Iran. Does anyone really think that if Iran is attacked they won't take that opportunity to aim bombs as Israel, thinking that the US will blow them up anyway so why not get in a few licks against Israel?

Obama is cool headed and knows how to talk to people. Diplomacy, not bombs is the key to a secure middle east.
About Barack Obama
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Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain at Sunset

I still harbor fear that somehow McCain pulls it off. I don't see any way an intelligent or logical person can vote for him but many will so I guess logic and brains are not a prerequisite for voting...*sigh* Also honesty is not something we can count on when it comes to Republican dirty election tricks.

As bad as things are now in the world and in America I cannot imagine how much worse it will get if McCain enters office and worse, dies leaving the reigns of office to Palin. I am 62 and don't have as much to worry for my future as do the children of this nation. I fear that more right-wing radicalism in the Oval Office will so damage this nation that future generations might look to live elsewhere where they can believe the government actually gives a rat's a#% about the average person.

McCain is part of the old system that has allowed America to decline over the past years. We need new, well educated people dedicated to improving life for the average American rather than increasing the wealth of a privileged few.

We need Obama and more young, honest members of Congress of both parties.
About John McCain
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Ohio GOP Still Chasing Undecideds; Dems Making Sure Supporters Pull The Lever

The problem I see with people making up their minds is that they look to polls and debates for the answers. Polls are not answered by the candidates, they are the answers from the people being polled.

The debates are about a horse and pony show mandated by the media and each candidate's responses to the questions. It is never in any politician's interest to be too clear in a debate because that just leads to more off-topic replies by the opponent, further confusing the conversation.

People MUST learn the issues themselves and not rely on talking heads for the details. Both candidates have web sites where they publish their positions on just about everything. Obama's has far more details and facts than McCain does.

You want to make a decision? Take the time to learn yourself and become an informed voter. And stop listening to campaign ads...they are no better than toothpaste ads when it comes to understanding the content of the candidates.

Just imagine Colgate airing ads about Crest toothpaste. Colgate will tell you that if you use Crest your teeth will fall out. Crest will tell you that Colgate will turn your teeth green..we know that's not true but that is exactly what happens in a political ad. That is why God invented the MUTE button !

I am voting Obama. I just don't trust the "new" McCain and Palin is too scary to contemplate as a VP / President.
About Barack Obama
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October Surprise Update: What McCain May Be Planning and What Obama Can Do to Ruin It

I fail to see the advantage to McCain if Bin Laden is captured. It is not as if McCain would have anything to do with the capture. The only signal I could see is that after 8 years of foot dragging the lame duck Bush administration finally got lucky.

If Bush used the method to get Bin Laden McCain claims to know...then we all need to ask why McCain with held such vital information from America for so long ! Did he intentionally allow Bin Laden to remain free to plot against us for his personal gain in this election?

No common sense answer seems to offer any "October surprise" advantage to McCain by capturing Bin Laden.
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Monday, October 13, 2008

For Some Extra Excitement, Try Visiting The Right-Wing Blogosphere

So what do you expect? If you ask the devil if he is the devil he will deny it of course.

In the right-wing sphere no one reads anything else but right-wing propaganda. I doubt one of those reptilian brained readers can understand the concept of checking the facts even if they were branded onto their flippers.

Some people actually bathe in their own ignorance and defy anyone to actually teach them anything. Sadly that is the state of too many people who claim to be patriots yet who refuse to understand anything about the real America.
About Barack Obama
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Monday, October 6, 2008

Thirty Lies Refuted About Ayers And Obama

Again I ask the question that no one ever seems to answer.

Who has, upon hearing outright lies on TV by news people, filed a formal complaint with the FCC?

Forget petitions to Fox and other news organizations for their lies, those lies may be violations of the FCC regulations that allow those "news" organizations to keep their license to broadcast.

The place to flood with written complaints is the FCC ! You can download the form online.

DO IT or stop complaining. I have !
About Barack Obama
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Gotcha? You Betcha!

I long ago stopped watching MSM either TV or print. I discovered that, being mostly owned by the same wealthy people who have devoted their lives to scamming America out of money, that what they broadcast is not news but diversionary tactics. As long as these big players could keep quietly lining their pockets at our expense they did not want anyone paying attention. ( Wizard of Oz, Pay no attention to that man behind the screen )

Notice how much attention they wanted when they were sticking their hands into our collective pockets to the tune of $700,000,000,000 for a bail out. Well at least the part about scaring everyone into agreeing.

American's need to wake up to the fact that MSM is not about real news...it is about propaganda and if you keep watching and believing you will soon be as dumb as they want you to be.
About Sarah Palin
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Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin Answers What Newspapers, Magazines Inform Her Worldview: "Most Of 'Em...All Of 'Em...Any Of 'Em," "Alaska Is Like A Microcosm Of America"

I am sure she reads such noted publications as:

The Enquirer

The Globe

Micky Mouse Comics

McCain's web site.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin: Deep South Skeptical Too

Palin is to politics what gambling is to a poor person with a family to feed.

About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

To Hell with Wall Street

What sickens me is that the politicians can't help themselves...they keep trying to insert totally unrelated pet projects into even this important issue. Aside from the fact that I think the Fortune 400 should pony up the cash to fix their own problems, I don't think adding some of the stupid "extras" makes sense.

The Senate bill also would:

* Make permanent authority for undercover operations.

* Make permanent authority for disclosure of information relating to terrorist activities.

* Exempt from excise tax certain wooden arrow shafts for use by children.

* Extend cost recovery period for motor racing tracks.

* Extend restaurant improvement credits.

* Extend and increase by 3 cents a barrel the oil spill liability tax.

* Allow fringe benefit reimbursement for qualified bicycle commuters.

* Give steelmakers tax credits for purchase of renewable fuels.

* Extend the tax credit for mine-rescue team training.

* Extend tax credit for investment in the District of Colombia.

* Clarify income averaging for settlement amounts received in connection with Exxon Valdez litigation.

* Creating parity for the insurance treatment of mental health problems


Still nothing to protect the taxpayers or those about to lose their homes.

How stupid are they? Hopefully we will soon be rid of many of them...they do not deserve those positions of power because they just can't stop themselves from gifting the rich and sending the bill to the taxpayers.
About Wall Street Crisis
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