Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ohio GOP Still Chasing Undecideds; Dems Making Sure Supporters Pull The Lever

The problem I see with people making up their minds is that they look to polls and debates for the answers. Polls are not answered by the candidates, they are the answers from the people being polled.

The debates are about a horse and pony show mandated by the media and each candidate's responses to the questions. It is never in any politician's interest to be too clear in a debate because that just leads to more off-topic replies by the opponent, further confusing the conversation.

People MUST learn the issues themselves and not rely on talking heads for the details. Both candidates have web sites where they publish their positions on just about everything. Obama's has far more details and facts than McCain does.

You want to make a decision? Take the time to learn yourself and become an informed voter. And stop listening to campaign ads...they are no better than toothpaste ads when it comes to understanding the content of the candidates.

Just imagine Colgate airing ads about Crest toothpaste. Colgate will tell you that if you use Crest your teeth will fall out. Crest will tell you that Colgate will turn your teeth green..we know that's not true but that is exactly what happens in a political ad. That is why God invented the MUTE button !

I am voting Obama. I just don't trust the "new" McCain and Palin is too scary to contemplate as a VP / President.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost