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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jewish Seniors in South Florida Anxious About Obama But Still Support Him

Jewish voters are smart. Sure some are easily swayed by false statements but if those who know better speak the truth to them, they will understand. McCain is NOT GOOD for them or for America.

McCain = Bush = War. War is not good for anyone and war in the middle east is never good for Israel because it amplifies existing hate and tension in the entire region.

America's presence in so many places where we do not belong serves to increase tension and the threat to Israel, not reduce it.

Israel has always been and felt safer when all sides are talking and not dropping bombs. McCain does not want to talk...he wants to bomb, bomb,bomb Iran. Does anyone really think that if Iran is attacked they won't take that opportunity to aim bombs as Israel, thinking that the US will blow them up anyway so why not get in a few licks against Israel?

Obama is cool headed and knows how to talk to people. Diplomacy, not bombs is the key to a secure middle east.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost