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Monday, October 27, 2008

A Mormon's Lament: Church Is On the Wrong Side of History Again With Proposition 8

I find it hard to take Mormon seriously as a Christian church. Any organization that supports wars and tries to use it's influence to demand that people of other faiths must abide by their belief system via government intervention, is not Christian. Their opposition to gay unions is an attempt to use the Church and our Government to divide rather than unite people.

I guess they forgot that they were among the persecuted at one time, hence their journey here in the first place. I guess they also forgot about the separation of Church and State put in place specifically to keep government out of the business of religion.

I suppose Mormon teaching now is based on the premise that "We have what we want, but now we don't want anyone else to have what they want."

Oh well...perhaps some other faith will push for an amendment making the Mormon church illegal.

Now that IS both un-American and un-Christian like behavior if you ask me. Shame on Mormons.

About Gay Marriage
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost