Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Medicine: Why Not for Everyone?

Spoken like a true lobbyist for corporate greed. Do you have children? Do you really equate their lives and health with you car and your cloths? It sounds like it to me. Bad parent !!

Who do you count on to put out a fire if your house burns? A taxpayer funded government agency. Who do you count on to catch the criminal that broke into your house? A taxpayer funded agent of your government. Why do you think it is ok for government to save your home from fire and your property from theft but not your life from a disease or accident?

Would you rather be asked for your insurance or cash when you call the fire or police departments? This is the situation health care access is in today and lack of access is killing 18,000 people a year according to a report given to Congress way back in 2002.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost