Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The House Health Reform Bill: How Good Is It?

At least "something" is happening after 60 years of empty promises. This may take more than a single pass through Congress before we get what we need and deserve...a system of universal care that has placed nations like France, England, Canada and most western democracies well above the poor ranking the US has in terms of quality care. ( we rank only 37th despite having the most costly care )

Many in Congress waste our time worrying about the private for-profit health insurance business. Keep in mind that 30% of your premiums are for profits not for health care...you pay 30% more so some CEO can buy a nice mansion and a new yacht or private jet.

14,000 Americans lose insurance each day in America (http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2009/02/17/14000-coverage/) for several reasons. (1) Companies closing (2) Companies dropping coverage due to high cost (3) Insurance companies refusing to provide policies because someone actually needed care that was expensive.

Congress's obligation is to the American people not to the wealthy insurance corporations. A truly universal plan will cost money...but consider that the tax increase to pay for it will be far less than you would have to pay for an insurance premium that nearly a third of which goes into private pockets.

Give me the tax and the care...screw insurance companies who presently get to decide who gets to live or die based on financial status.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost