Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, July 31, 2008

On Joe Klein and the Jewish Neoconservatives

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John McCain Plays the Race Card

About John McCain
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Toby Keith's Pro-Lynching Publicity Tour Hits Colbert, CBS and More

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Monday, July 28, 2008

The Suicide Solution

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Veterans Respond to McCain's "Obama Wants to Lose" Remark

About Iraq
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The Barbeque Media Wants Senator Obama To Win? That's Rich.

About Barack Obama
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Introducing HuffPost's Big News Pages: One Stop Shopping for Obamaniacs, Apple Junkies, Brangelina Freaks, and News Obsessives of Every Ilk

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Home Economics

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Bush Bans State Department Officials From Obama Rally

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

McCain Camp "Frustrated" With Obama's Trip: Reports

About John McCain
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The Media, Obama, Iraq

About Barack Obama
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Monday, July 21, 2008

So, Did You Find Any Facts, Obama?

About Iraq
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Why Karl Rove Should Go To Jail

About Karl Rove
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Scary Thought: Is Condi Rice Our Last, Best Chance for Peace?

About Dick Cheney
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Like Vagueness? Elect McCain Commander In Chief

About Afghanistan
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Like Vagueness? Elect McCain Commander In Chief

About Afghanistan
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

As Bush Lifts Restrictions on Offshore Drilling, We Need a TVA for Oil/Gas Production

About Oil
As if it was not already clear who bought and paid for the Bush presidency. Yet another gift to big oil has been added to the gift of Iraq...at what cost?

If Bush does not mind killing over a million people to assure his oil buddies get richer by the day why would anyone think he cares what anyone thinks about more drilling.

Money trumps morals at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave every time.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Obama for President

About Barack Obama
Despite recent disappointment in Obama's support of FISA, and even in a "lesser of two evils" election I will still choose Obama over McBush 100:1

The election is not all about the president however. We have a LOT of people in Congress who have fallen all over themselves to "obey" Bush's commands like the stray dogs they are. Democrat and Republican alike. Those people need to be voted out of office as well.

Read More... http://www.opednews.com/articles/Pass-The-Word--Our-voice-i-by-Paul-Kruger-080710-954.html
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Killing Iranian Civilians Isn't Hilarious, Senator McCain

About John McCain
First WMD's Now send chemical weapons to poison Iraq's citizens...for profit !

First Oil. Now the Tobacco industry invades. Is there really any doubt who Bush and Congress really support? It sure as h&ll is not the American Citizens.

Remember Bush openly committed multiple felonies in office ( at least 30 known ) and Congress is helping him get away with it. Yesterday Congress voted to wipe out part of our Constitution ( 1st & 4th amendments ) by allowing illegal wire taps to continue without providing any oversight or allowing it's victims ( all of us ) any legal recourse. A new provision in the senate's foreclosure bill will require that every credit card transaction we make be reported to the Federal Government.

STUPID AMERICAN VOTERS will sit silently by until even their right to vote is gone and we are left with what? Certainly not a free society or democracy.

Before Congress finds a way to eliminate voting so they can stay there forever we MUST vote them all out of office. This may be our last chance to save America.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Clinton: Why I Voted No On FISA

About Hillary Clinton
As soon as the vote is published...it will be on t-shirts to protest and help vote those senators and members of the house who voted for immunity out of office.

The do not deserve their seats in Congress.
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For those who missed the news...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Three Mistakes the Democrats Shouldn't Make Again

About Barack Obama
The DNC and Obama need to consider one more thing. Many of their fellow Democrats were turn-coats in that they often voted to let Bush trample the Constitution.

Hopefully most of those members of Congress, Republican and Democrat alike can be voted out of office and replaced by ethical people who will consider their oath a sacred vow to protect the constitution, not help destroy it.

With a stable of untrustworthy dems in Congress DON"T point to them to support change because they have proven to be the first to destroy any chance of change. As a democrat myself I am ashamed of most of today's democrats and will write in Mickey Mouse before I will give them my vote again.

Obama needs to go it alone with a few notable exceptions to the rule and not rely upon those "soiled" members of congress as shining examples of the future.
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Monday, July 7, 2008

Obama, Stay the Course!

I agree and am dissapointed in Obama for not upholding his own oath of office.

He is honor bound to uphold the constitution as a seated senator. Immunity flies in the face of the first amendment right to petition the courts. I have made this clear in my own articles in OpEdNews and sent faxes to my reps, senators and to Obama.

What is sad is he is now lowering his standards and compromising his ethics for votes. I once trusted Obama to be "different" and above politics as usual. He is reducing the campaign choices to picking the lesser of two evils.

McBush scares me more than Obama does. I can still hope that Obama is doing what he is doing to improve chances at election and will then do the right thing. But I can't read his mind and his tactics don't make me like him better.
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Opponents of Retroactive Immunity Live To Fight Another Day

You have to remember that the law forbids telcos from giving this info to the feds unless a specific procedure is followed in writing that necessitate a warrant or a document attested to by specific people in the AG's office. Most of these people refused to do so. The request was signed by the President and he is not authorized to do so by law.

The telco's had a legal and moral obligation to refuse the request. Only Qwest had the guts to say no. The rest caved to an illegal request, now they want immunity.

Why would they want immunity? Only one reason, they know they broke the law and want a get out of jail free card from congress...and the spineless House has signed off on it despite the fact that such a provision violates our First Amendment.

Sure Bush started it...but telcos in their greed for government contracts went along, placing profits ahead of their moral, ethical and legal obligations to their customers.

Hang them..and then go vote congress out of office.
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Opponents of Retroactive Immunity Live To Fight Another Day

Senator Dodd.

While I have your attention there is another matter that troubles me and gives me pause to trust your own actions. It was pointed out that you added a provision to the foreclosure bill to REQUIRE spying on American's credit card purchases.

I have posted in blogs and sent faxes to my reps to refuse to pass that bill with that provision included.

We have you on board against one spy bill yet you introduce another of your own in it's place. It has no limitations, no controls, no consumer protections about what the feds can use transaction information for, noting to protect against self incrimination short of a person canceling all of there credit cards. Applying for a new card amounts to requiring a person to waive their 5th amendment rights.

It is full of legal holes that favor government abuses with no sign of even one protection for consumers or merchants.

It is BAD LAW that could stall good law. It is a shame the way unrelated law gets inserted into other-wise good bills as a way to try to "sneak" one past the American people.



Please REMOVE this from the bill !
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Opponents of Retroactive Immunity Live To Fight Another Day

I have said this before and will repeat until I am blue in the face. Any Senator or Representative who has or will vote for immunity is in violation of their oath of office because such a vote is illegal.

One must only read the First Amendment right to petition our government to know that. Immunity does just that, illegally attempts to block access to the courts. That amendment FORBIDS Congress from doing so. Period. There is no fine print.

I have already told my representative Corinne Brown that because of her vote to grant immunity I will not vote for her next election. I made it clear in faxes to my two senators, Nelson and Mel Martinez the same. Vote against our Constitution and the rule of law and lose my vote forever.

Martinez's response indicates he does not support our Bill of Rights and deserves to be voted out of office as does EVERY member of Congress who voted contrary to their oath of office to defend the constitution of the United States. I suspect most members no longer deserve their seats.
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Friday, July 4, 2008

My Position On FISA

About Barack Obama
I posted my response again on Mr. Obama's site in my blog.


While I still believe Obama to be the best option for America now, I want him to clearly understand that he should consider, as his first priority, not only protecting the integrity of our Bill of Rights and Constitution, but the reversing of prior transgressions made by the Bush administration and restoring us to a fully functional Constitution.

He can start by stating publicly that he will NOT allow warrantless wire taps, FISA not-with-standing. That he will honor habeas corpus. That he will not condone torture and will hold accountable, anyone found to have used torture in the name of America.

I realize withdrawal from the mess we made in Iraq will not be as easy as it was for Bush to get us into that mess, but that must also be a priority. Someone said of Iraq, "We broke it...we bought it" That leaves us with a moral obligation to fix the damage we caused and apologize for Mr. Bush.

We have a bad reputation that needs polished before we can again hold our heads high. Obama can fix it if he will do so.
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My Position On FISA

About Barack Obama
One thing about this immunity issue. The first amendment to our bill of rights specifically denies Congress the power to prohibit citizens from petitioning our government for a redress of grievances.

Law or no law - it is illegal because Congress simply does not have the power to grant immunity that would prohibit people to access the courts to challenge an illegal activity.

Additionally, since is is VERY CLEAR in the bill of rights and Constitution that what they did or may have done would be illegal. Our right to petition for a redress of grievance is guaranteed, a vote for immunity is a vote contrary to the oath of office. http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Oath_Office.htm

Of all Senators, Mr. Obama is a scholar of the Constitution and knows better. Perhaps this is a political rather than logical vote. I still support him but he is losing his luster by helping Bush tear down our constitutional protections.

I want to see how he responds to Dodd's amendment to foreclosure bill to require that all American's credit card transactions be reported to the feds.
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

McCain Comes Ashore In Pennsylvania

About John McCain
As is always the case at these rallies, people who are mostly convinced show up to offer support. McCain and Obama are mostly addressing their people.

Other than to encourage the already faithful to give in a few more dollars, I don't see the point of being concerned with any such rally.

Some candidates go so far as to invite only their faithful, doing their best to omit any real worry about being hit with a tough question.
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Contra Krugman: President Obama Won't be Another Clinton or another Reagan -- He Won't be Another Anybody

About Barack Obama
WATCH OUT ! The waters are aswarm with pundits and opinions.

All of these comments from Krugman et al are opinions. Each has it's value even if not always factual. They do encourage people to think. ( Ouch, what's that pain in my head? )

While I am disappointed by Omaba's abandonment, so far, of his promise to fight to remove immunity for telcos from the FISA bill, I still support him as being head and shoulders above McCain in over-all trustworthiness as a president.

Never forget everyone's right to express their opinions even if you don't agree. So far neither Congress nor Bush has proposed limiting our opinions to state sanctioned versions. But if they get away with allowing illegal wire taps, can the first amendment be far behind?
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History is Made: New GI Bill Signed into Law

About Iraq War
I love it when Bush is forced to do something right for a change. Too bad Congress did not force him to do more things right in the past.

At least each gets one vote in their favor. Now if Congress would just impeach Bush they could go to sleep with a clear conscience for once.
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Memo to Obama: Moving to the Middle is for Losers

About Barack Obama
Today I posted this letter by fax to my Florida Senators and to Mr. Obama.

http://www.reelectnoone.com/no_immunity.php ( it would not fit here )

The main reason Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain need to stop immunity has nothing to do with their campaign for president.

Right now neither of them are president, however both of them are sitting Senators. Both of these senators need to stand up and state, not as candidates but as current senators, that they believe in and will stand up for the Rule of Law in this nation. The issue is the same, it is illegal to wiretap without a warrant. The FISA bill does not change that fact, it just says we know it's illegal but we will look the other way while you ( Bush and Telcos ) violate our constitutional protections and disrespect every American's rights to privacy.

As senators they both took an oath of office to uphold our Constitution. To deliberately allow Bush and others to break the law and violate the constitution is a violation of their oaths. If they don't respect the oath they ALREADY took to become senators, why would we believe either of them when they swear an oath again as president?

Being a candidate for president does not confer upon either of them the option of ignoring their present oaths of office to vote to allow the breaking of our laws in defiance of our Constitution.
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