Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Three Mistakes the Democrats Shouldn't Make Again

About Barack Obama
The DNC and Obama need to consider one more thing. Many of their fellow Democrats were turn-coats in that they often voted to let Bush trample the Constitution.

Hopefully most of those members of Congress, Republican and Democrat alike can be voted out of office and replaced by ethical people who will consider their oath a sacred vow to protect the constitution, not help destroy it.

With a stable of untrustworthy dems in Congress DON"T point to them to support change because they have proven to be the first to destroy any chance of change. As a democrat myself I am ashamed of most of today's democrats and will write in Mickey Mouse before I will give them my vote again.

Obama needs to go it alone with a few notable exceptions to the rule and not rely upon those "soiled" members of congress as shining examples of the future.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost